
Our very own Justin Schwanke has been hard at work on a new full length DVD in Edmonton. He’s clearly been stacking because he managed to put together this edit consisting of his extras from the project. Read the full story about how the dvd project came to be on...

Justin sent through this awesome little edit of some older footage he found of a trip he went on- “Back in 2016 I decided that rather than attending my University graduation, I should road trip up to Alaska. It seemed like an appropriate way to celebrate my freedom from studying....

I remember watching videos of Justin riding his backyard ramps for ages, and it’s insane to see how much the ramps, along with Justin’s riding have progressed. Too much awesome shit in this to name, on a coaster or a cassette it’s no doubt J-bone knows how to get creative...

Ramp Accumulation I get asked often how I accumulated so many ramps. For many years, my dad and I built set-ups together. However, the most major additions have come about rather unconventionally. I was incredibly fortunate and acquired ramps from the Thorsby Ramp Park when it closed down a number...

Justin always impresses with really nice creative moves, and here’s another free coaster based edit that him and the Weird & Revered guys cooked up. Check dat ASAP for fresh outside the box park/street riding.

  The man Justin came through with this awesome video of him killing his backyard ramps. I find it amazing that he carries the speed he needs across all that grass, I doubt I’d be able to jump half the gaps that he wraps into combos in this. Finishes off...

Our pal Justin Schwanke hit us up with this video from a trip he took to the state of Washington recently with his friend Colin Reimer. They flew from central Canada to Seattle, and spent some time down in Olympia. Check out his video above, and a collection of photos...

Justin Schwanke just sent through this new edit with some outdoor cruising in and around Edmonton, AB with some street jibs and park riding. The gap to manual at 3:08 shot was really cool. You can also go back and read the BMX and Academia piece he wrote for us...