
Slade Scherer is a mad scientist. His laboratory equipment consists of power tools, screws, 2×4’s, and plywood sheets. The experiments Slade can conduct with those materials are seemingly limitless. His most recent experiment, a backyard ramp in Kelowna, British Columbia is the culmination of a year and a half of...

I’ve known Lee for 10+ years now. We’ve spent countless hours riding, filming, road tripping, and drinking together. The dude’s always down to shred and has been killing it more and more every year. Lee helped me with countless videos when we lived in Sudbury and he’s been quietly stacking...

Photo: Aaron Jack (@sssnyuk) If you’ve ever been to a wallride spot in the GTA, odds are that the highest tire marks belong to this dude. Chi’s been killing it forever and continuously pushes himself to learn new tricks and film new parts. The dude’s got a great eye for...

The Northern Embassy first launched in 2010 as an online platform for Canadian BMX videos, photos, and editorial content. Since then, the website has gone through a variety of phases; there have been highs and lows. With some renewed enthusiasm and fresh ideas, we are hoping to bring back the...

“Vagabond Squad” is a full-length BMX video from the Weird & Revered crew. Filmed from 2016 to 2019, the project is community rooted with a strong focus on the Edmonton BMX scene. Although a majority of the clips are from the crew’s home city, the footage spans 9 countries, 8...

Because Embassy started at the beginning of the decade, almost the entirety of the website has existed over this period. One of the great functions of the site has been to serve as an informal record of things that happened in Canadian BMX. In this series, we’ll attempt to bookend...