
Brad Hill and I just finished issue three of our collaborative BMX newspaper zine Union Press. I can truly say that it’s my favourite issue so far, and I feel like we were able to cover a range of people and topics, while having the most contributors in an issue...

Union Press issue two is back from the printer, and available now. For those not familiar, Union Press is a free Canadian newsprint zine created by Brad Hill of BMXFU and my ongoing project, Yo Sick. The zine focuses on Canadian BMX with stories, profiles, photos, and illustrations from myself...

If you hadn’t heard about the BMXFU premiere for their FU5 DVD, titled Guy Stuff, then you must be living under a rock, on the moon, with your fingers in your ears. As kings of promotion, they hyped up the events of their premiere non-stop, plastering banners and info all...

Before Trent Barker ended up in the hospital with a bunch of metal bars going through his busted foot, he shot this photo of Bobby Hill doing a top side smith to 180. You can follow Trent’s photos on his tumblr.

Brad Hill filming Jim Cielencki while on a Sunday trip last summer. Photo by Scott Barker. I’ve always had a fascination in the particular equipment filmers and photographer use. They are the ones who lug around a bag with different cameras, different lenses, and often different lights from one another....

DEATH BLOW! When someone tries to blow you up, not because of who you are but, for different reasons all together. Making the best of a wet day in Toronto at Death Park, some of the FU crew put this together for us. Edited by the one and only Chris...