02 Nov Lifestyle Ikonic – EDM
We’re a little late on this one but the Lifestyle Ikonic homies took a trip to Edmonton and this edit is the result. Johny Bradley and Dylan Newman killin it!
We’re a little late on this one but the Lifestyle Ikonic homies took a trip to Edmonton and this edit is the result. Johny Bradley and Dylan Newman killin it!
Ian Peters and company travelled over 6,000 kms to ride different skateparks and explore different cities and have a good time along the way. This was filmed all over Manitoba as well as in Regina SK, Kenora ON & Chicago IL.
Joel Dykstra, Tristan Sweet and Neriah Mair bang out a session on the Sunshine Coast for 3ride. You know you’re trappin’ when you can dial up your excess money and make a call!
Dem Lafarge boys killing it in Coquitlam, BC. Dylan Murko and Kale Storry shred for the SD camera of Brayden Rastad. More to come from these homies and we are looking forward to it!
I always looked up to Brent Webb’s riding when I entered the Kelowna BMX scene. After seeing him move away and start a career, I though I might never see full Brent Webb section.
Today all my thoughts where put rest. Brent just dropped this bangin’ Iphone edit filmed in rural British Columbia.
From killin’ it in Metro Jam’s, to fading into adulthood. I’m glad to see Brent looking as paranoid as ever, shredding Terrace, BC.
Also news he recently broke his kneecap, lets send some healing vibes in hopes to see these legendary tables again!
Some of the homies were in Montreal for the Taz Pro/Am contest last week and put together this quick edit during a session at Le Taz. Featuring Dillon Lloyd, Joel Fortin, Ryan Eles, Zach St Clair and Spencer Ryan.
Sebastien Babineau is a legend out of the province of Quebec. He never ceases to disappoint with lots of creativity and style in his riding. This one is for the homies at La Cribs.
“Sébastien Babineau, rider d’expérience vienne de sortir un tout nouveau vidéo pour La Boutique de vélo La Cribs! Les images de ce vidéo on été tourné à New-York et à travers le Québec ! C’est toujours un honneur d’avoir du matériel de cette qualité pour nous représenté.”
Brodie Gwilliam went HAM in his latest and greatest edit filmed around what I presume is his own farm. I got mad appreciation for someone who uses his truck to drop in!
Chase Davidson has been traveling Europe for the last year and just put together an edit documenting his adventures. You’re making us all jealous Chase!