Ten Pack Tag

Been feeling nostalgic today and stumbled onto this beaut on the hard drive so decided to post a late TBT. You’re favorite riders actual favorite rider, Corey Dewey put in work for the Ten Pack video which earned him last section. Hard to believe the Ten Pack video is already 5 years old, give the full vid another watch here while you’re at it. If you think for a second Dewey doesn’t still kill it, you couldn’t be more wrong.

Chris Silva with another new edit. Filled with the results of all sorts of random spot hunts from Toronto, Vancouver, and Austin for Ten Pack. Filmed by a whole bunch of dudes and edited by Peter Almeida with some bizarre animations. Get in to it.


It’s been one hell of a year for videos. With the Cult video at the start of the year, Deadline just recently, and now the Markit DVD. They premiered it at Austin, TX this past weekend, and now Ten Pack Distribution are bringing it to Canada and we’ll get to see it for the first time this Saturday, October 26th at Joyride 150. It’s $15 for the session after 7:00pm, and the video starts at 8:00pm. There will be a jam in the street room and you can pick up a copy of the DVD at the premiere. If you’re in the GTA make it out for what should be one hell of a video. Check out the Facebook event here, and we’ll see everyone there.

I will disclose that I was on this trip and did the bulk of the filming (aim your comments about shakey camera work towards me), but will say that the few days we spent on the road were extremely productive, frustrating, and fun. We were constantly avoiding the rain, spent a day at a shop jam at D-Structure (that video is coming soon), and spent just about an entire day at the hospital after Dillon Lloyd crashed hard on what was the scariest attempt that I have ever witnessed. Despite all of that, our crew of Greg Henry, Chris Silva, and Chijioke Okafo were incredibly motivated to ride just about anything and I had a blast cruising around Montreal again and showing spots in my hometown (Ottawa). We drove, we searched, we rode, we partied, and we swam. Everything that a good trip should have. You can find a few photos from the trip here too.

There’s been a lot of west coast coverage lately, but this video is worth it for the handplant alone. John Alden left Calgary for two weeks in Vancouver and put together quite a bit of footage (in such a short period of time) for Ten Pack. His ability to put a solid line together has come a long way, and the line at the 2:16 mark is a good example of this.


If your in the Vancouver/Surrey surroundings this week be sure to head out to the MacNeil/Ten Pack Jam at Chuck bailey park (13458-107A Ave, Surrey) on Wednesday from 5pm-8pm. Weather is looking good (which is rare for January) and there’s going to be a BBQ, music, Animal’s new QSS4 DVD premiere and a good ass time. MacNeil/Ten Pack homies Andy Roode, Greg Flag, Jeff Evans, Luke Santucci, Adam Piatek, Ryan Hiebert and more homies will be in attendance.

You may have already seen this posted elsewhere but we’re putting it up anyway for a few reasons. 1. It’s an awesome edit, 2. It was filmed and edited by one of Canada’s best, Brad Hill (who designed our anchor logo) 3. because the boys at Animal are best kind and 4. because it features a bunch of Canadian shralpers. Watch this if you haven’t already.