Team Luxury Tag

The third instalment of the Luxury boiz’ MythTape series. The dudes work their asses off on these videos and it always shows. Watch this now!

Featuring Jason Green, Parker Tremblay, Jeremy Kappert, Mike Tripp, Mike Depetrillo, Cole Ramseyer, Spencer Ryan, David Jasczur, Andrew Spria, Seth Newby, Logan Currie, Ethan Malik, Sebastian Morgenroth, Greg Henry, Matt Comeau, Chijioke Okafo, Spencer Macfarlane, Dean Hartley, Graeme Deroux, Mat Stiehl and Austin Karker.

The dude, Thomas, from the Team Luxury fam out of Guelph just dropped this tight video from a handful of days cruising the Joyride 150 street section, and it’s a definitely nice watch. I’ve always loved his style, line at 50 seconds is hella smooth.

Hit the team with a follow @weareteamluxury

The Guelph connect Team Luxury just came through with this tight one of Jeremy Kappert. Lots of dope tech lines in true Guelph fashion with some gnarly one hitters in the mix. Filmed by the man himself Mat Stiehl.

AH DAMN Guelph tech king and professional party master  Mat Stiehl just came through with this tight video of the clips he snagged through 2015. Some seriously dope 4 pegged combos in this joint along with some manly rail moves, so hit that play ASAP.


My main men from Guelph just dropped this dope mixtape packed with hard crashes, straight liquor chugging, and killer riding. Gap at 20 seconds is insane. Hit play immediately, then go buy some shirts at