Taz Tag

It’s that time of year again, where you try and get as many outdoor sessions in as possible as the indoor hibernation is coming quick. Lucky for Canada, we have some awesome indoor spots/ events to keep us going over the colder months.

Starting with Montreal’s annual Taz Pro-Am contest, Saturday October 24th. This contest always bring a good amount of shredders in from Quebec and Ontario. The new Taz layout is looking crazier than ever and for the first time this contest will also feature a Street Jam/ contest where street riders will have a certain amount of time on certain areas/ obstacles, rather than having to ride mixed in the usual contest heats. If you’re anywhere near Montreal be sure to get out to this!



The FIEND crew are coming to Canada/ Montreal on May 16th. They are hosting a Jam at the infamous Taz skatepark, from 9pm to midnight. Go shred with Garrett, Ty, JJ and Colin and surely witness some madness in person!

The homies at La Cribs know whatsup. Between keeping the shop running, organizing jams in and around Terrebonne, QC, these guys actually take much needed time off work to ride their bikes. Here’s their latest edit at the new Spin indoor park in Montreal.

Check back tomorrow for their Taz winter edit, you can watch the trailer here.

Huge thanks to the BMXFU homies for hooking this up!

“Quick edit of our trip to Montreal last weekend. Best humans ever. Speaking for everyone; Thanks Erv Hoerdt for the trailer, Red Bull Canada for the donation, Tbone, Sticker Kids, Le Taz Skatepark and last but not least Mike Samson at Twisted Sticker.” – Chris Cadot

Filmed by-
Chris Cadot
Lee Dennis
Jordan Krupa
Glen Hoerdt

Edited by-
Chris Cadot

Project Pat – Flexington

Officially Taz day today, Dillon Lloyd doing his thing in two sessions at Taz, before escaping to Cali.

The awesome dudes at 514 in Montreal are hosting an amazing contest series called The King of Taz. Inspired by the awesome King of Quebec series from many moons ago, the contest has three dates, of which there will be a jam/ contest in different parts of the Taz. On the third and last date, the King of Taz will be crowned. This is a rad event promoting riders to ride everything but Liam at 514 also stressed that “you can compete in all or just 1 of the events. Of course the best chance anyone has a being crowned the King of Taz would be by riding in all three events but the park is open to riders also, the contest is just for those interested in competing.” This sounds like the best of both worlds, prizes at all three events, if your anywhere near Montreal make it out to this event!