Summer of Fun Tag

This Summer of Fun edit is filled with good times, good riding and lots in between. I heard alot about this edit before seeing it, lots of rumours that it may never surface but it did and better late than never. “Our edit is late… extremely late.. we missed the contest but made an edit.. with 9hrs of footage from Canada Day long weekend , and one relic of a laptop Nick managed to put music to clips, that’s when the problem started. It’s taken us two weeks and a couple adults to get this online. So here it is, Team Brutha Cam’s version of the Summer of Fun, better late then never…” Matt Ridgeway

Thanks for hooking this up guys, even though it’s late it’s still a damn good watch.

At the start of the week we showed you entries 14 – 7 of our Summer of Fun contest, and we finally have the top 6 winners to debut. As corny as it may sound, I think just about any of these videos could have taken the top spot. It had gotten so close that the top two videos were separated by only 0.09 of a point. Everyone took different approaches and produced very different videos. The judges scored them all individually and we got an average score for each one. I said it before, and I’ll say it again, thank you to all of the teams and riders that entered our contest, and an extra big thanks goes out to MacNeil, Etnies, Eclat, Almond, Colony, Kink, BMX Gallery 4130, Sour Fever, Animal, 3Ride, Quintin, Division Brand, S-One Helmets, our panel of judges, and anyone else that helped us out in any way. We will be sorting out the list of prizes for all of the winners soon, but for now click below to watch the amazing videos from our top 6 teams of how they spent their Canada Day long weekend!


After long last we finally have the results from our Summer of Fun contest. Teams had the Canada Day long weekend to film their riding and whatever else they were up to and edit it in to a short video for submission. Our group of 6 judges (Jason Enns, Dom Mach, Sam Lowe, Corey Dewey, Chris Silva, and David Hawthorne) then had the tough task of watching all 14 entries and scoring them all. Thanks to everyone that entered this contest and made it a success. We enjoyed watching all the videos and the hard work that everyone put in and hope to do more fun contests like this in the future. We will contact all teams shortly about prizes.

Because of the large number of entries we received we have broken down the results in to two parts. Click below for the 7th – 14th place winners, and tune back later in the week when we will announce the 1st – 7th place winners.


Just a final Re-Up on our Summer of Fun Contest happening this coming Canada Day long weekend. Click here for full details if you haven’t already checked this out or signed up. Our sponsors have really hooked it up so if you need any more motivation to sign up, here’s some. Prizes include: a MACNEIL Frame, Eclat Hubs, Sour Fever Tees, a pair of Almond shoes for every person in the winning group, a Colony frame, Animal cranks & softgoods, Division parts, Kink Parts, Etnies shoes & softgoods, Quintin hats, S-One Helmets and more!!! Every single group and rider/filmer who enters is guaranteed prizes.

Here’s a tentative/rough list of signed up groups so far:

Vancouver (filmer Kerr Bisland)  Jordan Fair, Desson, Ryan Hiebert, Cody Brown, Lenard Brown and mike Carroll
Calgary (filmer Austin Odegnal) Aaron Cheng, Chay Nelson, Jay Park, Brock Gany, John Alden
Ottawa (filmer Chris Chitaroni)
BMXFU/ Niagara Falls (filmer Brad Hill)
Montreal (filmers Mikael Cardin & Jocelyn Aube)
Edmonton (filmer Mike Boag)
Halifax (filmers Business Crew Byron Kutchera & Ian Fleming)
Ant Life Newfoundland crew
REPSET. (Winnipeg, MB).
Team bad 4 life SK riders – Brodie Gwilliam, Andrew Richards, Mitch Anderson, Jack Nicholl, Pat Dudar, Landon Parenteau
Kael Davis from Toronto with friends Stefan, Tiago, Gabriel and Dillon
London, ON: Jack Leonard, Eli Taylor, Mason Gray, Robbie Betteridge, Owen Gray and Mitch Oudshoorn
Niagara Falls: Noah Sider, Brandon LD, Sebastian Morgenroth
Jab Crew: Matt Jensen, Paul Jensen, Nik Muryn, Evin Reed
Salt Spring Island Vacation: Riley McMaster, Carl Arnett, Jordan Hango, Jason Teet, Dave Emmens, Kyle Scully
Muffin and Pedal/ Oh So Visual: Paul Moffat,  Zach Rampen & Friends

All sign ups must be received by email ( by this thursday, June 28th at midnight! Please note there can be more than one entry from a city. Stoked to see all these edits as all of Canada is as well!!

Since creating Northern Embassy we’ve wanted to hold a big Canadian contest to unite the country from coast to coast and this summer we’re making it happen. There’s way too many web edits out everyday and so many of them seem a dime a dozen. We wanted to put on something where people can create a short video that is representative of how much fun they are having with their friends, which is the biggest reason we all ride bikes. Some of the best memories you will have come from riding bikes with your friends, taking road trips, riding new spots, the adventure of searching, and so much in between. It can be more than just barspining as many stairs possible.

The idea is simple; we want riders across Canada to have a great Canada Day long weekend riding with their friends, and film it. One of the best things about BMX is the time we spend with our friends, on and off the bikes. We want that weekend to be translated in to an edit, which will be judged on creativity, variety, production, and overall quality. We want to encourage good times over just straight bangers, monotonous riding and circus tricks. Filming can begin as of 5pm friday June 29th, and ends at midnight Monday July 2nd, the entire Canada Day long weekend. If anyone films outside of these times their entry will be disqualified and the BMX gods will strike them down.

To make the contest even more interesting we hit up six Canadian legends/true ambassadors of fun to judge: Dom Mach, Chris Silva, Dave Hawthorne, Corey Dewey, Sam Lowe and Jason Enns! Top groups will win prize packs and trust us, we have some great prizes!! A bunch of rad companies have really stepped up and are hooking it up!! (MacNeil, Colony, Eclat, KINK, Sour Fever, Etnies, Animal, Division, Quintin, Almond, 3Ride, Bmx Gallery and S-One,.

We want you and your friends to participate! All teams must pre-register with us by June 28th. by sending us your list of riders (maximum registered team limit of 7, but more people can be featured in your video) and your location to

We have a bunch of prizes to go around and want to unite Canadian riders across the country so others can see people riding from coast to coast. Here is a short list of pre-confirmed cities/groups who are participating:

Vancouver Island (Kerr Bisland)
Calgary (Austin Odegnal)
Ottawa (Chris Chitaroni)
BMXFU/ Niagara Falls (Brad Hill)
Montreal (Mikael Cardin & Jocelyn Aube)
Edmonton (Mike Boag)
Halifax (Business Crew)

Videos must be completed and uploaded by Sunday July 15th at midnight. We will be making a specific intro for the contest and providing all filmers/editors with the intro closer to the date. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or want to register, please contact us at