Smay Vision Tag

Kyle Smail brings us the fourth instalment of his Smay Vision video series. He released this DVD in 2013 and has now uploaded it in its entirety for the internet to see. Last year when we posted SV3 there was a lot of riding that we were blown away by, and this video is no different. Pour yourself a cup of coffee, clear your next 36 minutes, enjoy it, and look for SV5 to come late this year.

Smay Vision 4 is a crew video filmed over the summer of 2013 featuring the personalities of Andrew Coulas, Jordan Demetroff, Jason Kearnan, Smay, Josh Corner, Jason Kearnan, Spencer Ryan and a bunch of fellow friends. Filmed entirely between Peterborough to Toronto, everybody in this video put in alot of work to make sure they pumped out a great section. Thanks a ton to everyone that hucked, helped and bought a DVD in order to support this project! SV5 filming in progress, DVD’s still available of SV4 featuring loads of bonus goodies.
– Kyle Smail

This video sort of came at us out of nowhere. Kyle Smail has always sent in submissions to the contests we run, and been supportive of the site and products we’ve put out, but he casually sent us a message with a link to James Wright’s ender part to his small local Oshawa/Bowmanville, Ontario DVD he made called Smay Vision 3, and it blew us away. You can check out the whole video here, but this part from James Wright is definitely worth a post on its own. It really starts to get good after the two minute mark, and the last couple tricks are wild. You can contact him through his Vimeo account if you want to try to track down a DVD, and look for a Smay Vision 4, that they are filming for now, in the future.