
When did you pick up this setup?
I was using my Nokia phone for a couple year and my girlfriend got a new iPhone5 so she gave me her old one. It’s a iPhone 4s. I’ve had it for just over a year now.

What is your favorite lens to use on it?
There’s only the fisheye right now, I use that here and there. I like to just shoot long lens most of the time, I noticed it comes out a lot more clear.

What do you think of the SD vs HD debate?
Both are great, I don’t really care much about what is better. HD is cool because it’s clear as it gets. I’ve always been so used to filming with the worst setups for ICC DVD’s; Hi8 cameras, 1chip mini DV cameras, it doesn’t matter to me. It’s better than not capturing something cool on film.

Does the camera/filmer make the shot or does the spot/rider?
Both. Having a great filmer is #1, but that’s a hard thing to come by in Toronto, haha. I’d rather have a great filmer and a shitty camera(or phone) than the other way around. Spots make everything, riders are a dime a dozen these days. If you don’t have good spots you have nothing in my opinion.

How long have you been filming/editing? Any advice for youngsters getting into it?
I got my first Hi8 camera around 2001 or so. I’ve always filmed my friends when I was younger but never really started to edit stuff till the ICC DVD’s around 2004, even then I wasn’t the main guy editing I was more of the producer cause I never had a proper computer or editing program back then. I think I started doing my own actual computer editing around 2008 when I started doing web edits and stuff. My advice would be to just have fun with it, do what you think is cool to you and if anyone tells you otherwise, don’t listen to them, haha.

When’s the next ICC dvd dropping?
That’s a good questions… we just dropped out 5th DVD this spring so I don’t think we’ll have another one out for a year or 2. We’re not doing anything crazy like our old DVD’s. It’s hard getting a bunch of 30 and a couple 40 year olds to film shit, haha, everyone has their own lives going on. But a new DVD will happen, we’re about half way there right now.

All three of the edits below were filmed on phones.

Current Setup?
Panasonic Hvx 200p Century Xtreme Fisheye Cavison support rails and occasionally my girlfriends Cannon t5i.

First setup and what got you into filming/editing in the first place?
First true setup was a Sony Vx2000 with an Mk2 fisheye. (bought it off a guy who used it to film finger boarding…) before that I had this dad cam my dad used for work with a modded fisheye which had way to much vig, but it was awesome!

I’d say what got me into it was probably just having footage/videos to look back on. That and creating something to share with others, and portraying bmx/trips the way I wanted to express them.

Who are some of your favorite people to film and what have been some of your favorite edits/ parts you’ve done?
I generally enjoy filming everyone, friends, pretty much anyone who loves riding bmx and is enjoyable to film, and by that I mean has fun.

As for favourite edits/parts I’d have to put “RVBC AIN’T NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT” at the top of that list. To me that trip was everything bmx is about for me, the video just came together so naturally, and still to this day I can look back and enjoy that video as much as I enjoyed the trip. Watching it now, I can still remember every detail of the trip, that is probably my favourite part about it. It is also probably the only video I have made where I would not change anything after watching it a few times, that is saying something, I can usually always find something in my own work that I wish I did differently.

Others I enjoy are:

The Tables and Tribulations of James Van De Kamp

Can you take me there.

Owen Dawson – Division Brand

There’s Cheng!


Coming from someone who’s filmed SD and HD, what’s your take on that debate?
I love both. My biggest thing with HD is texture. When you see SD footage it always has a distinct texture to the film, making it timeless in my opinion, much like old photos, they just have a look to them that is timeless. Now that HD has become the norm, texture in film is becoming more noticeable in certain cameras and peoples work. There is no denying HD is the way to go these days, no tapes, no frame drops, and a very clear visual experience. Cameras are only getting more and more amazing however I don’t think I will ever have a setup I will love more then my VX1000 Mk1 lens tho. I still try and stick to the classic style of filming I grew up watching, low and close, skate style if you may. Like everyone says it’s not the camera, its how you use it, can’t be more true.

As a sponsored rider do you ever find it tough to balance filming and riding? Is it tough for you to get footage of yourself that your stoked on the footy, like that is filmed as well as you try to film others?
No not really, I do find I will either get into filming or riding during a session tho. Its hard to go from filming to riding, my mindset for both are pretty similar, when i’m in front of the camera I am giving it my all and when I am behind the camera I try just as hard. For me it is just as rewarding seeing your friend get a clip and knowing you did your best to make it look good.

Filming is not always super easy, and I feel its hard to answer that question, obviously there is a way I imagine a clip looking, I won’t ever be able to not in vision a way something could be filmed. I think that is a good thing tho. I’m pretty lucky having guys like Luke Santucci and Brad Hill living in the same city as I am. Both of them know there way around a camera very well. Also have a few other friends that are pretty good at filming, I’m very thankful for that.


Any tips or advice you can offer any young filmers out there that you wish you had when you were getting into it?
I feel that most everything I learned about filming was pretty much self taught. More then anything what I felt helped me was watching videos from the filmers standpoint. Put yourself behind the lens in every clip filmed in the video and you will start to figure out what angles work for what stunts. Other tips would be keep the camera steady, don’t be afraid to get close with the fisheye, learn to film lines on a skate and be pride full in what you are doing. But most of all have fun with it!


Current Setup?
My Camera is a sony a99 that I plug to a Sennheier MKE 400. For lenses I have a sigma 15mm fisheye, a sigma 50mm and a Rokinon 16mm wide angle. I use a glidecam hd-2000 for stabilization.After that I have my usual stuff that I always have in my bag and a Pentax k1000 for film pictures,

Who are your favorite riders to film with and what are a couple of projects you really enjoyed working on?
I’d have to say Etienne Charlebois and Joel Marchand. It’s always nice when you have a good relations between the filmer and the rider and with these to it was always a good time! I always have a good time filming. I get so stoked when the rider lands a trick! I enjoyed every project I worked on!

As a filmer who also shoots photos, do you ever have a tough time deciding what to shoot that day?
Not really… Usually I always decide if im shooting pictures or videos before paking my bag so I only stick with one or the other for the day.

With more and more riders wanting a photo and video footage of their tricks, do you ever wish you could do both at the same time? haha
Hell yeah man! It’s the worst when you have an idea for the filming and the picture at the same time and you can’t do both! haha

Any tips or advice you have for filmers getting into the game that you wish you knew when you were starting?
To really know how to set your camera (youtube is a good place to learn!) always shoot in raw format and always have fun!
And also get low and close! Use the fish at it’s full potential