Roland Labrecque Tag

Stretched superman at Woodward East. photo: Chris Chitaroni

Trying to write an introduction to an interview with a friend that you admire is always an awkward thing. You don’t want it to come across as some sort of hero worship and blindly praise, or fill it with inside stories that have no relevance to the reader. When it comes to Roland Labrecque, what I can say is that he wears many hats; rider, competitor, contest organizer, ramp builder, father, husband, and more. At 40, he’s been a staple and active member of his city’s BMX community, with a history of efforts to improve relations with the city over the development of parks and equal access for bikes. But don’t be fooled, I don’t think you should know about Roland simply because of his age and pursuits to still shred. He’s an interesting individual beyond just that.

Over the last ten years of knowing him, he’s always been an extremely hard working and modest individual. He puts 100% in to everything he does in his life, no matter how big or small. I sat down to ask him some questions about his past, present, riding, injuries, home renovation, juggling responsibilities, his son, and more. Click below to read the full interview with Roland Labrecque, who is 40 and rollin’.
