Ride to Glory Tag


Calgary’s BMX Gallery 4130 wrapped up their Ride To Glory contest earlier this summer, and we finally got our act together to put together an announcement of the winning videos and challenges. If you aren’t familiar with it, you can read the event details here and a copy of the task sheet here. It sounds like the contest got a lot of riders and crews involved from across the country, and hopefully next year will be even bigger. Check out the breakdown of the top seven winners with their videos, and some of the contest challenges after the jump, and you can check out a lot of videos and photos from during the filming of the contest with the #bg4130r2g hashtag. Big thank you to BMX Gallery 4130 for putting on a fun contest like this and opening it up to riders all across the country.



BMX Gallery 4130 are running a rad Ride to Glory contest from July 6 till July 20th. Click here for all the details:

“Here are the details for the Ride to Glory contest that we are doing this July. The contest is very simple, get a group of friends (or do it solo) and get as many of the 70 odd tasks completed and win a HUGE prize pack. Most tasks are worth 50 points, but some have bonus points, or are even worth 200 points…. some examples are:

  • Tuck no hander off a ledge for 50 points
  • Get a cop to bunnyhop your bike for 50 points

In order to complete a task you must have video evidence. You can either Instagram video each task with #BG4130R2G and your team name hashtagged, or compile clips to make a 5 min or less edit (hint bonus points for edit). We will also be dropping BONUS TASKS on our site, so keep an eye out for them.

There is no limit on team size, so if you want to get every rider in your town in on it, that is totally cool. The only thing is that you must hand in your team roster BEFORE you get the task list. Teams may register at the shop starting on July 6th, or email us your team roster, and we will email the task sheet if you are from out of town. If you are over 18, please ask for the 18+ tasks as well…”

This is an awesome idea and is open to the whole country so get in on it!!