photography Tag

Brad Hill painstakingly captures vivid scenes throughout Vancouver, and forms them into beautifully bound books for your viewing pleasure. Recently, Brad hosted a photo show featuring his third instalment of his ongoing street photography series, SETS.

If you didn’t happen to get down to Strange Fellows Brewing Co. while the show was up, you happen to be in luck. Brad has updated his site to feature his latest masterpiece alongside the rest of his work. Hit the link below to view SETS III and don’t forget to follow Brad’s new Instagram account @BradHillWorks.


Shawn Duffield by Sarah Fox.

Shawn Duffield’s name has come up quite a bit lately on this site. We’ve posted videos he’s filmed, random photos shot by him, and he even submitted a great shot for our Fall Photo contest. It was only after more closely examining his work and browsing his Flickr account that I wanted to ask him a few questions and give him a chance to showcase more of his photos. He’s a hard working young talent from the west coast with a refreshing view of BMX and it comes through in his photos and videos. Click below for some more images from Shawn, a quick interview about his photography, and expect to see his name come up more and more with great work like this.



Dig Magazine have a really great ongoing article on their site this week where they profile the 10 most influential BMX photographers of all time. Every day they’ve put up a new photographer with a short interview or profile about them and their work, and so far they’ve reached number 5. Any rider that grew up with magazines as their prime window in to the world of BMX (i.e. pre-Internet dominance) will recognize these names and a number of the images and remember how important and influential they were.

In an age where everyone is carrying a camera around in their pocket it might seem like the true value of a photograph has diminished, and it’s interesting hearing some of these photographers giving their opinions on this and other subjects. It is of course an entirely subjective list, but you can read entries 10 to 5 here and keep checking it next week (I presume) for 4 to 1.

Speaking personally, Dig Magazine as a whole was a hugely influential magazine to me growing up as a rider, especially during the years that Brian Tunney was the editor. It’s inspiring to see them still continuing to produce quality pieces like this and finding a great balance between print and online content.

photo by Sean Cooke

Mikaël (or Mike) Cardin (pictured above) has only been shooting photos for a couple of years, but in that time has managed to develop a refreshingly unique style and approach to BMX photography. Every time I’d see a new photo of his pop up, I would be impressed with the simple composition and use of natural light. I’m not the only one, as he’s even had his work incorporated in recent ads (seen here). This photographer profile is not meant to stir up the endless debate of film versus digital, but rather shine a light on a strong new talent. Click below to read some answers from Mike Cardin and check out a great selection of his recent photos.


David McCaig is a talented photographer and rider originally from the Ottawa area, and for the last number of years has been traveling the globe with both his cameras and bicycles in tow. From touring the coast of Australia, to working as a courier in Tasmania, to living in a squatter house in London, England and cycling to Egypt (click that to view a photo documentary of that trip from last winter), Dave’s life seems to constantly revolve around being on a bike. Fortunately for others, he usually carries a camera with him, allowing us to catch a glimpse of what it is all like. Like so many photographers that simply want to share their work with the world, he recently set up a photo blog. It’s only a couple of posts deep so far, but check often for ongoing updates.

BMX brothers are nothing new. Lots of brothers grow up riding together. Brothers that have a passion for both BMX and photography however is rare. Scott (left) and Trent (right) Barker both come from Southern Ontario, ride bikes, and shoot photos constantly. I asked them both a few questions about themselves, their work, and their favourite photos. Click below to see more.
