Posted at 04:12h
by Luke Santucci

I could give you all the cliché interview introductory gibberish like how he’s an amazing bike rider or how he is a great friend. That he is always down to help you out, whether it be fixing your bike or helping out when your car breaks down on the side of the road. Or that he is always there to have a good time. But I’m not going to because all that should just go without saying. Mike Boag is the best.
Mike is from southern Alberta and is now (and has been for a long time) a well respected Edmonton local. He helped run and build the Thorsby ramp park that kept so many of us sane in the winter. He has helped most of his friends find jobs in the city. There’s not much he hasn’t done. And to think… He doesn’t look a day over 21. If you didn’t know any better, you would never be able to tell that he is thirty years old. Click HERE to check out the video and read the interview.