lethbridge Tag

This is dope. Filmed over a period of around 3 months at different parks surrounding Lethbridge, AB, and obviously tons of local Lethbridge park clips in there also. Filmed by Brian Smith featuring Scott Davis. This is 100% better than 20 skatepark instagram posts filmed on your friends iphone. Take notes kids.

“Last week we got very disheartening news that our trail spot was getting demolished. We have been working on these jumps for the last two years and finally got them somewhat running. The clips in this video are from our few sessions over the last couple of months.
To anyone who understands how much work goes into a spot like this will understand how disappointing it is when you get news like this. It amazes me how in countries like Canada it is so hard to persue the sport we are all so passionate about. Everyone claims to be so open minded and says it’s great when you go chase your passions. Sure doesn’t feel that way when multiple spots have gotten plowed and everywhere you go we get kicked out of spots and even parks.
Even with shit news like this we will keep trying to open minds and grow the scene here in Lethbridge. Hopefully one day the city will let us have a spot to build and ride. Keep on givenr’

Enjoy the video because it’s the last you’ll see from this amazing spot.” Eddie Dyck

Riders : Scott, Garth, Vince”