Kym Grosser Tag

JT hit us up to let you know the Blazeguard dvd is nearly done. Stay tuned on that, we’ll have more details once it’s available. He also mentioned that DVD profits will be distributed differently than most.

“We’re doing something a bit different with DVD sales (as far as I know) wherein any profits from sales will be split up between myself and the guys that put in work. This way when you buy a DVD you’re actually directly supporting/helping out the riders as well as future video projects.”

JT @ Blazeguard hooked this one up: “Just a quick edit of Kym, Mick, Liam and I fucking around at Prahran park in Melbourne a couple days before I flew home. This is the first in a series of “no edit” edits I think I’ll do…aka not giving a fuck about the filming or editing and just fucking around.” This is dope, stoked to see JT shreddin in this one, check it.

Travis Sexsmith, and Kym Grosser are two Vancouver locals who ride for The Set. With dudes like these two, Corey Bohan and Brad Simms, you know their shit is dialed. Kym and Travis have been down under for quite some time now filming and riding during their summer season. The Set goods have recently hit Canada and are now available at 3ride.
