Harrison Forward Tag

Harrison at the Prime Minister Of The Streets Jam. Photo – Landon Barnes

Citadel was an east coast brand that came to my attention around the time we were busy with Crimson, so naturally I paid attention. They had a loyal following, and even hooked a NYC street legend up at one point. Harrison and I never got a chance to connect back then, but I was very curious to learn about his brand. Without further ado, here’s Harrison Forward and his Citadel interview as part of our ongoing series on the history of Canadian BMX companies.


The wait is finally over!!  We had so many amazing submissions for our video contest this year; it was extremely tough on our judges to come up with the winners. Everyone here at the Northern Embassy is stoked on all of the submissions and could not be happier to see that BMX and video making is still alive and well across the country. Check out all of the videos below.


The dude Ian Fleming just sent through this great little nugget from a trip to London with Andrew Phillips, Alexis Leger, Matt Comeau, Paul Slaunwhite, Colin Kenny, Harrison Forward and Damien Maclean. Although it looks like they had a great time and rode a bunch of amazing spots, they probably didn’t enjoy it one bit because there were no hydrants around :/ smh.

I’m insanely stoked to present to you a project that Harrison Forward and Trent Connors has been working on for a while now. With stems and pegs being tested right now, and bigger runs going into production in the near future, Citadel is going to be a parts brand bumping straight outta the maritimes of Canada. Harrison and Trent have been grinding away every day working with experts to really get something awesome going, and it seems like things will be fully rolling out sometime early 2016.

For now, Harrison just dropped this awesome mixtape to tide you guys over… two and a half minutes of raw street out of Halifax N.S.

Hit that play, and stay informed by following @citadel.bmx, you won’t regret it.

  • Arnaud opposite curved wall late night on the way to a dope beach
  • Arnaud toboggan on the La Cribs ramp
  • Arnaud looking great as always
  • Matt tires to 3
  • Justin found this while we were partying and wore it the whole next day riding street
  • Dan chatting with some pseudo monk guru genie who walked out of a halfway house we were riding in front of
  • Andrew attempting one of the most incredible things I've seen in person
  • Whole squad chilling at a dope DT DIY
  • Classic group photo
  • Matt pegs
  • Beach in the middle of the woods that Arnaud brought us to
  • Alexis pegs
  • Pizza
  • It was hot as hell out. Adam took this shot while Andrew was working his ass off for a clip in the summa heat.
  • Awesome how BMX brings everyone together. End of a dope day, mobbing around with a bunch of different crews from different cities.
  • I will never, ever get bored of running over these floppy pole jams that litter the streets in Quebec.
  • Alexis hitting the roof in the O.
  • Paul is insane. Chills 99% of the time then will throw himself at gaps that don't make sense without a run in. This is him trying to 360 over a gap/fence hop. He told everyone he was just going to straight jump it...
  • Alley chills
  • Cruising around with our godsend of a tour guide Justin. He took us to countless incredible spots, most of which we were probably too hungover to ride but they were dope anyway.
  • I think this is Pierre blasting over one of the many foam two ways that Montreal schools have to offer.
  • Andrew gap to pegs the nose
  • Andrew hanger
  • Beer on a leash™
  • Arnauds dog, Léon. He loves drinking
  • We time lapsed the entire drive to Montreal from Halifax. 13 Hours of highway.
  • Probably lit I'd say
  • Obligatory dépp squad pic
  • Adam doing yoga with the kids so they can keep riding and entertaining the old guys.
  • Alexis bar on an inner city DIY quarter
  • Whole fam at the DIY
  • Hot afternoon chills
  • More driving shots
  • Someone let this dog come with us but I wasn't too mad.
  • Patio beers at Arnauds

Every Summer we go on a road trip to Montreal to film a bit for the DVD and drink a lot. We’ve been trying to get into the habit of taking a handful of disposables with us to capture key moments to remember the great times we had during the trip. I think the guys nailed it this time.

This trip was particularly awesome. We drove up there with two cars full of people, and met up with more Halifax dudes who are working out west when we got there. All together I think there was 9 of us from back home. The crew consisted of young guns as young as 18 and OG’s as old as 27, and I couldn’t have asked for a better gang. On top of the crew we brought, we met up with a bunch of homies and stacked like crazy for the DVD.

Photos taken by everyone. HUGE thanks to Arnaud Paquin for letting us stay at his place in Terrebonne for a few nights, for taking us to a dope beach in the middle of the woods, and being an all around dope guy. Massive thanks to Justin Hughes for bringing our stubborn asses all around the city to incredible spots, and for being the party master he is, and thanks to everyone that added to the trip in any way to make it as sick as it was.

Ian Fleming



This year for our annual Business trip we decided to head to Toronto, with the plan of stacking some clips for Business 2. We ended up having an incredibly productive trip so decided to put together this video of the time we had and release it on the web. I’m stoked on our crew for killing it riding and partying, one of my favourite trips to date. Don’t forget to check the gallery of disposables we shot during the trip.
