Harley Haskett Tag


Harley is a dude who’s been in the Canadian scene for a minute, and his involvement in BMX goes way beyond leaving sick tire marks on walls around the Toronto area. Harley is an incredible artist whose work has been a quintessential part of some of the biggest brands out. (more…)


With all the posts about zines this week I couldn’t forget about this one put out by the always busy Toronto based publishers Blood Of The Young. It’s a group zine with a collection of photographs from numerous different photographers based simply on the theme of ‘cycling’, created for a soon-to-be-opening exhibition (I think). BMX photos are mixed nicely alongside images of road cycling, touring, commuters, and more. There’s even a photo of a mountain bike leaner in the mix. There is a large list of different contributors in this, including some BMX names you might recognize such as Riley McMaster, Harley Haskett, Brenden Megannety, and even Edwin Delarosa. You can check out a couple more shots of some of the pages below and pick up a copy of the zine in their store here. While you’re at it, pick up any number of the zines or shirts they’ve published in their shop.


Harley Haskett is a name that many Canadian riders have come to know. From helping out with Metro Jams to Ten Pack summer tours and his role as Ten Pack team manager, he has been a part of Canadian BMX for nearly a decade. Like most of us, he has interests outside of riding bikes and one of those is music. His band, Meanwood, recently released their first EP Trials, which is already getting alot of attention in the music world (including mentions from CBC), and recently received an invitation to Canadian Music Fest in Toronto. Read on for more about this Canadian band that you should be listening to.


Here’s an edit I put together with footage I collected over the course of 2010. I did a lot of travelling and filmed for some other projects but this is all the footage I had that didn’t have a home, but I certainly wouldn’t consider it “scrap”.