Embajada En Barcelona Tag

Personally, in my mind the high point of Northern Embassy was the Barcelona trip. I fully see the irony of a Canadian based BMX website highlighting a trip to Europe but keep in mind this trip happened in December which any Canadian BMXer will tell you is the time of year they want to escape to warmer weather/ ride outside daily. Let alone get 11 Canadians to the street mecca that is Barcelona.

The earliest beginnings of this trip started thanks to The Hunt video contest. Early summer 2011, my wife Kristina was heading back to Montreal from Vancouver for the summer, once her spring semester had ended which meant I had room for visitors. The Hunt contest was launched, NE got an invitation and the timing was perfect. Dillon was super into filming for it, so came out and spent the summer. Dill would often come chill at Ten Pack for the day while I worked, browsing Chase, Ride and Dig mags from the crazy Ten Pack magazine library then after work/ on weekends it was on.

In December 2011, 11 Canadians made the trip to Barcelona for no other reason than having fun riding bikes with friends. And that we did. Looking back on this trip makes you realize that through all the craziness of life, it will be trips like that this that you always remember and cherish as some of the best times ever.

There was never any intention of putting this full length DVD online, but if it can serve as motivation to anyone who has not yet grabbed a copy of the DVD to take a trip with buddies it will have been worth it.

When’s the next Embassy trip boys?

Featuring Greg Flag, Taylor Elvy, Dillon Lloyd, Jeff EVans, Cory Beal, Ryan Hiebert, Sean Cooke, Jeremy Deme, Albert Krolikowski, Luke Santucci, Prashant Gopal. Filmed by Sean Cooke, Jeremy Deme and Luke Santucci.

Greg Flag shutting it down with the last of our Embajada En Barcelona Remix edits. Greg got more footage than anyone else on the trip and proved yet again that he can shred any obstacle you put in front of him, with a smile on his face the whole time. Get a copy of the DVD while there’s still a few left and try to find Greg’s banana or lettuce challenge….

Later this week we will be dropping our last Embajada En Barcelona remix section of Greg Flag. Leading in to this edit, here’s a little house check with Greg that we filmed at our crib in Barcelona. The place was so dialed and Greg is a funny dude. Check back for Greg’s remix edit real soon.

The Albion launched it’s issue 6 online today which includes this crazy picture of Cory Beal doing an insane maneuver on this rail in Barcelona. I remember seeing this picture in the printed issue a while back and thinking how ridiculous it was that Beal did this in and out twice. The first time on one of the first days of our Embajada En Barcelona trip, rolling his ankle super bad first or second try (see the trailer below). He ended up pulling it fourth or fifth try with a messed up ankle and it was the first spot of that day. A few weeks later he would do it again during his Barcelona layover with some English fellows for the above photo, while the rest of the Embajada/Hola crew we’re already back to Canadian winter.

Last December, 11 of us we’re fortunate enough to make the trip from the great white North that is Canada to Barcelona, Spain. This trip wouldn’t have happened if it weren’t for our boy Dillon Lloyd getting second place in the Hunt and getting a trip to Barcelona as the result. It’s only fair that Dillon start off our Embajada in Barcelona DVD remix edits. If you haven’t already, you can grab a copy of the dvd here for $5. Filmed by Sean Cooke, Luke Santucci and myself (Jeremy Deme)

If you haven’t seen our Embajada En Barcelona DVD yet you are missing out. Get a copy from your local shop or here. Above is a quick clip of Dillon Lloyd, with a little motivating from the boys, putting on a small demo for some Barcelona locals. Those tranny’s look way better in video than they felt. Also if you haven’t seen the trailer for our DVD yet peep it below.

The first video premiere for our Barcelona dvd, EMBAJADA EN BARCELONA, is happening this Sunday, March 25th at Outer Limit Sports in Charlottetown, PEI (330 University Ave., Charlottetown, P.E.I.). If you’re in PEI this weekend be sure to get to OLS for the jam/good time along with the premiere. Any other shops interested in doing a premiere hit us up (northernembassy@gmail.com) so we can hook up the premiere flyer. Big thanks to OLS and Jon Jamieson for putting this together!

Our Embajada En Barcelona DVD is in stock now! Check out the trailer again and head to our online shop to grab a copy. All copies bought through our store will come with a copy of of our Bueno zine (while supplies last) and a pack of stickers from all the brands that helped make our trip possible for only $10 shipped to anywhere in Canada. All orders begin shipping on March 21st.

You can also find copies of the DVD at better shops across Canada. Click below for a list of shops carrying the video (so far), and if you are a shop or distributor interested in bringing some in please contact us at northernembassy@gmail.com.
