This shit is bananas, via DIG, Corey Walsh teamed up with Zach Rampen in search of holy pools in Vancouver, BC. Over the years you’ve very seldomly seen any pool footage out of the Vancouver area but Corey changed that. Alot of work goes into making a pool rideable, good on Corey for scouting and putting in work to make it happen. Zach shot this beautifully and gives you the feel that you are on the deck watching Corey dive in.

“Corey Walsh has one thing on his mind for the last month in the Fall of 2015… pools. Strung out like some kind of addict, you’ll find Corey in some strangers backyard, staring longingly into google maps, or up to his gumboots in pool scum. Needless to say, Corey’s life was a mess, but for an underlying purpose. After scouting, draining and cleaning – the pools were ready. Watch Corey roast these Vancouver gems and get weird with it!

Filmed and edited by Zach Rampen ZACHRAMPEN.COM”  Digbmx.com


Jason Enns has a very interesting article on Dig here . He discusses the work put into finding and riding a bowl, which is truly as much work as being in the streets. He also mentions people growing away from BMX with age and his personal situation where he can never see himself off a bike, which I’m sure many of us can relate to.

“You know how many people I know who stopped being a professional rider, and never touch a bike again? That’s seems insane to me. So you’re mid-twenties with no work history. Now I’m almost forty, an immigrant with no work history; no one is going to hire you. You get hurt a few times, and you question what you are doing it for. If all you’re going to do is end up with nothing, why don’t you do what’s fun?

I’ve come full-circle. You start at a fun level, and then as you graduate to a certain level, some of that gets lost along the way. I feel like I’m back to that position where it’s like, “Fuck it, it’ so fun, I just can’t see myself ever not riding.” When the basis of what you’re doing is fun, it translates to the viewer; people have fun watching it.”

Photo by Fred Murray.

One of Canada’s best kept secrets has been blowing up more and more, and hot on the heels of Jordan Hango’s section in Holy Fit, he was brought on to the Fit UK trip to Portugal. While there, Dig’s Fred Murray threw some question his way about life, working, riding, and even gets the honour of being called a NEW Canadian Beast. Check out some humble words from Hango here.