David Hawthorne Tag

Here’s some crazy early day bike stuntery that Thomas Edison captured. David Hawthorne hooked this up, it start’s a little slow but if anything at least watch from 2:15 on.

“It’s Thomas Edison, the dude that invented the light bulb. He rips. The start is a little slow, but the loop is nuts. I’m sure if he had the internet his bike would be more on point. I’m going outside to try and learn his moves.”
– David Hawthorne

“Here is a photo of Jamie Merritt, can can at on the Millennium vert ramp. That ramp is a cement beast. Look at the far side, see how wavy the cement is?  I’m nervous looking over the edge of that thing. But Jamie rides it like it’s a mini ramp.

When I was a kid I heard the following is a story about Jamie that made him a legend to me for years before I met him. I hope to hell it’s accurate. If it’s not accurate I apologize ahead of time, but the story is so good I’m passing it along. Correct me if I’m wrong in the comments.

Ok, in the early 90’s 2-Hip, makers of the Pork frame, ran the precursor to Hoffmans’ Bicycle Stunt (BS) series, that eventually kind of morphed into part of the X-games.

The 2-Hip series was the King of Vert. It went all over America, and it had one Canadian stop in Windsor, Ontario.  All the Canadian BMXers went. Everybody went. I didn’t because I was 11, but I wish I did.  Jamie Merritt and Jay Miron, from Thunder Bay, were the best vert riders Canadians had.  I think they might have been the only vert riders Canada had. Although, at the time, you either rode vert or flatland, “street riding” was in its infancy.

Now, in the early 90s, the only person doing flips on a BMX was a guy named Tinker, who was doing them with clips on his pedals, in a circus. Jamie was about to change all that.  At the contest, for his last trick, Jamie went balls out, and tried a flip to fakie. He got upside down and froze, and came straight down, but he was OK. After getting up like it was nothing, McGoo, who was announcing, called Jamie, The Terminator, because he was fucking invincible. If you ever heard of The Terminator, that’s how the name came about.

Anyway, an almost flip to fakie would have been the talk of BMX for months. In the early 90s, there was no Internet so all the talk lasted at least a month, from one freestylin’ magazine till the next one. Rather that the ten seconds you have to talk until the next jaw dropping web-edit is posted now. Jamie would have been all the talk of the whole BMX world, if Mat Hoffman didn’t drop in right after and do the first 900 ever. Bad timing for Jamie if there ever was any.

I think Mat Hoffman saw Jamie get upside down and realised he was a couple of real tries away from rolling away. I think Mat saw the future and took it home to dial it in. I think that Jamie had a vision, that although he didn’t pull it, he planted the seed that that started flips. I think, if people went back over the beta tapes, Jamie Merritts contribution to BMX in his two, one minute runs at that contest, seriously changed BMX.”

David Hawthorne

“Jarrod Creally, if you don’t know, is a mad man. Here he double pegs the vert wall at one of the Boicott Jams. Richard and Ryan Davis and a handful of other Calgary locals built this sick set up in Richard’s backyard to host a jam for one day. This had to be eight years ago, to the best of my memory everybody at this jam still rides, and Creally is killing it somewhere is southern Ontario.”
– David Hawthorne

“This is Johnny Stewart, riding one of my favourite spots to shoot photos. This is a big kiln full pipe in Winnipeg. Full pipes can get boring pretty quick, but for half an hour it’s fun, and it’s always a good day when you find a new one. The inside of this thing is all asbestos bricks, and it dusts up as you ride. To get in you have you squeeze your bike through one of the holes in the top. The art on this is phenomenal, if you look closely the square hole says “Drive by Facelifts.” The last time I went to ride this thing some homeless dude had moved in.”
– David Hawthorne

Another dope photo from David Hawthorne and more crazy shit from Chris Silva.

“Here’s a photo of Chris Silva: over grind on the ferry terminal bank in Kingston, ON. If Chris fell over he would have been fucked proper. He would have been in the drink with no way to get out. ”
– David Hawthorne

David Hawthorne making your monday alot less mad with this dope picture of Marc St. Hillaire doing a tight wallride.

“Marc St.Hillaire wall ride on a spot just off regent in Winnipeg.  Congrats to Marc & Ashley, just married last week.”
– David Hawthorne