Cory Beal Tag

The Albion launched it’s issue 6 online today which includes this crazy picture of Cory Beal doing an insane maneuver on this rail in Barcelona. I remember seeing this picture in the printed issue a while back and thinking how ridiculous it was that Beal did this in and out twice. The first time on one of the first days of our Embajada En Barcelona trip, rolling his ankle super bad first or second try (see the trailer below). He ended up pulling it fourth or fifth try with a messed up ankle and it was the first spot of that day. A few weeks later he would do it again during his Barcelona layover with some English fellows for the above photo, while the rest of the Embajada/Hola crew we’re already back to Canadian winter.

Beal has a cool little write up on his time in Barcelona/ filming for the Embassy DVD on repset here. Check it out and keep your eyes pealed for the Embassy Barcelona DVD/trailer/Zine/info, coming real soon.

When it comes time for quality guy stuff, you know you can count on manly man Lee Dennis to come through. He put this day edit together of Dillon Lloyd, Chris Henry, Jake Montgomery, Taylor Elvy, Greg Flag, and a mild appearance of Cory Beal for Cariboo Brewing. Hope you enjoy a little taste of Vanfuvers newest team riders.

photo by Eric Marshall

If you’ve ever had the chance to meet Dan Cook, you probably know he’s a great guy with a very funny personality. Besides the obvious English banter, he always seems to get himself into very funny situations. I’ve know Dan for a few years now and I’ve always looked up to his photos. He’s one of the few BMX photographers that tries his best to approach BMX with a different feel. “Nothing thrills me more then going out, thinking about a photo angle, setting up many flashes and catching it at the right time” he says. Click below for a few photos Dan has taken and some Q&A. If you want see more of his work take a look at his flickr.
