Colin Kenny Tag

The dude Ian Fleming just sent through this great little nugget from a trip to London with Andrew Phillips, Alexis Leger, Matt Comeau, Paul Slaunwhite, Colin Kenny, Harrison Forward and Damien Maclean. Although it looks like they had a great time and rode a bunch of amazing spots, they probably didn’t enjoy it one bit because there were no hydrants around :/ smh.


This year for our annual Business trip we decided to head to Toronto, with the plan of stacking some clips for Business 2. We ended up having an incredibly productive trip so decided to put together this video of the time we had and release it on the web. I’m stoked on our crew for killing it riding and partying, one of my favourite trips to date. Don’t forget to check the gallery of disposables we shot during the trip.



We headed to Toronto this year for our Business trip, and figured rolling around with some disposable cameras in our pockets would be a great way to capture the essence of what BMX trips are to us. So each of us stocked up on disposables so we could snap pictures throughout the day (and night) as quick as possible when something worth shooting came up. The results were awesome and pretty funny. This is just a small amount of the shots we snapped but are some of the best.

Even though these pictures are from different days over the course of the trip, I wanted them to be laid out in such a way that it shows a pretty average day on our bikes while on a trip. Here’s what we came up with, Enjoy!