Chijioke Okafo Tag

Last Saturday January 9th, the first annual Joyride 150 X Northern Embassy Canadian Street Invitational was held.

The idea was simple, invite 10 amazing Canadian pros who live in the Ontario/Quebec area and watch them destroy the street room of Joyride 150. We although thought it could be awesome to host an Expert jam before the pros where each pro team would choose one expert.

The experts killed it and two were chosen: Cole Ramseyer and Austin Karker.

Team 1:
Mike Gray
Spencer Ryan
Justin Hughes
Dean Hartley
Gabe Truax

Team 2:
Dillon Lloyd (injured)
Brandon Webster
Greg Henry
Eli Taylor
Ryan Eles
Chijioke Okafo
Austin Karker

Both teams went off but team 1 would be named the champs. The overall vibe/atmosphere of the contest (if you even want to call it that) was amazing. Non competitive, just people stoked to be riding together and chilling together, which is the best. 2017’s will be bigger and better, start planning to come out to next years!

We can’t thank Joyride 150 enough for allowing this event to happen there. If not for Joyride’s expansion and creation of the street room years ago, many Ontario riders would suffer all winter having no real indoor spot to go to. Also thanks to Joyride for whipping up a new rail for the contest. Huge thanks to MC Prashant and Paul Hoerdt, filmers Chris Cadot, Joel Fortin and Mason Gray, all the riders who came out (especially Mike Gray/ Dilllon Lloyd for delaying their trips back to Cali for this event). Last but not least, a huge thanks to all of the sponsors: Haro, WTP, Vans, Eclat, Radio, The Boiler Room, Merritt, Fiend, Federal!

See you next year!!

The first NE x Joyride 150 Canadian Street Invitational is in the books and it couldn’t have been better.

The experts killed it, Zack St Clair, Matt Stiehl, Stephane Sum, Mike Depetrillo, Spencer Longo, Jason Kearnan, Lee Giroux, to name a few. Cole Ramseyer got picked by Mike Gray’s team and won a sick Haro SD frame kit, Vans shoes and more. Austin Karker also killed it and got picked by Dillon Lloyd’s team winning the WTP Patron frame kit, Vans shoes and more WTP goods. Both also got the opportunity to ride with the pro teams.

Dillon Lloyd woke up Saturday morning with an unfortunate infection in his finger Saturday which didn’t allow him to ride but Greg Henry stepped into his spot and absolutely killed it, in greasy italian tank fashion. The pros groups were ridiculous, team 1 consisted of Mike Gray, Dean Hartley, Justin Hughes, Spencer Ryan, Gabe Truax and Cole Ramseyer and team 2 consisted of Brandon Webster, Ryan Eles, Eli Taylor, Chijioke Okafo, Greg Henry and Austin Karker, with Dillon coaching. Team 1 (Mike’s team) took the win but both teams absolutely killed it. A few insane NBDs were done, crazy lines, a ton of variety, a tone of rad stuff.

A huge thanks goes out to Joyride 150 for allowing this event to happen in their amazing street room (and even for welding together a sick new rail for the event). I think we speak for alot of Ontario street riders when we say that winters would be completely brutal without Joyride 150’s awesome street room. Not to mention there’s something special about never having to worry about skateboarders or scooters in the way. Thanks for every guys!!

A huge thanks goes to the riders for making it out to this, our judges (Chris Silva, Jeff Evans and Justin Skinner), filmers Chris Cadot, Joel Fortin and Mason Gray, announcers Prashant Gopal and Paul Hoerdt for holding it down on the mics, all the experts who rode, everyone who came out to check it out and of course our sponsors who truly allowed this event to happen: WethePeople, Haro, Vans, Eclat, Radio, Merritt, Federal, Fiend  and the Boiler Room.

Check back in the coming weeks for the offical edit of the madness!

canadian invitational_final

We are extremely excited to announce the first, of hopefully many, annual Canadian Street Invitational at Joyride 150, January 9th, 2016.

With so many awesome international BMX events, it’s no secret that Canada has been lacking a unique/ special BMX event for some time now. With Canadian riding at an all time high, it only made sense to organize an event with the mindset of showcasing the incredible talent Canada is fortunate to have. Where else than the incredible Joyride 150 bike park street room.

The Canadian Street Invitational is simple, 10 Canadian pros are invited/confirmed:
-Dillon Lloyd (Team Captain)
-Mike Gray (Team Captain)
-Ryan Eles
-Brandon Webster
-Eli Taylor
-Justin Hughes
-Gabe Truax
-Dean Hartley
-Spencer Ryan
-Chijioke Okafo

These pros will be randomly divided into two groups, with the team captains of these two groups being Dillon Lloyd and Mike Gray. These two pro groups will each have 30 minutes each to session the street room of Joyride 150. After both groups the judges will tally their votes and decide which group has won the Cup and the Cash.

Before the Pro groups, there will be a one hour Expert jam/session where experts can session the street room without the pressure of heats/runs. The two pro groups will be watching the experts and each pro group will select one expert each to win a WTP and Haro prize pack, and also to ride in the pro groups immediately following the experts.

The schedule is as follows:
7pm Practice
8pm Expert Jam
9pm Pro groups

We can’t thank Joyride 150 enough for allowing this idea to come to life. We also have to send a huge thanks to WethePeople, Haro, Vans, Eclat, Radio, Merritt, Federal and Fiend for helping make this happen with their generosity in prizing and cash prizes.

This is sure to be an awesome time, with so many incredible riders within the 10 invited pros and the sure to be a ton of amazing experts, we’re excited to show the world that Canada is doing things right! Of course we will be filming the event and we will have a recap feature on here if you can’t make it out.


I suck at video descriptions, normally I would go with something along the lines of  “I made this video of my friends biking because it’s fun.” But I feel like I could probably say something slightly more interesting about this one. Basically I spent the summer carrying my VX around, annoying as many people as I could to let me film them. After about a dozen mini DV tapes, a broken ribbon cable in my viewfinder and a few trips; (Montreal, Toronto, London and a couple other places) I somehow I ended up with 8 and a half minutes of footage. So thanks to everyone who was down to film something for this! *praying hands emoji* And thanks to the Long Island connects aka The Whammo squad for sending a bunch of awesome clips through. Also massive thanks to Jeremy Deme for letting me premiere this on the site, and for being the man and holding down The Embassy for the last 5 years.



Chij’s newest build instantly caught our attention. A master of the splatter/ custom colorways, Chij outdid himself on his latest flat black/gold MacNeil/ Merritt build.

Frame – MacNeil Calico
Fork – MacNeil CKS
Headset – Merritt High Top
Stem- MacNeil Apex
Bars – Merritt Brad Simms 1up
Seat – Merritt SL1 black leather
Post – Merritt
Pedals – Merritt P1
Sprocket – Merritt Chris Childs
Cranks – MacNeil Connect
Hubs – Merritt Non stop front, Non Stop Cassette, with Merritt guards
Rims – MacNeil Dubs
Tires – Merritt Option & MacNeil Low Life
Pegs – MacNeil Black ice
Hoody – BMXFU chief rocker


The Merritt team rolled through Toronto in July, in typical Merritt fashion. If Eli Taylor, Mike Brennan, Greg Henry, Chijioke Okafo, Joel Fortin, Brandon Begin, Charlie Crumlish and Justin Care aren’t reason enough to watch this, Ryan Navaz put this beauty together so hit play already.

“Merritt American team riders Brandon Begin, Charlie Crumlish and Justin Care hit the streets of Toronto with their Canadian buddies Greg Henry, Eli Taylor, Joel Fortin and ChijIoke Okafo. The crew of shit disturbers crushed spots all over the Greater Toronto Area and produced this bad ass video. Shout out to Toronto ex-mayor Rob Ford for his support! Ya don’t wanna miss this one, EH! ” Merritt

Here’s a few reasons you shit hit play and watch MacNeil’s Any Means Necessary, if you haven’t seen it already on DVD:
– NE’s own Zach Rampen edited the entire video and did an amazing job. Getting footage from many different filmers in an assortment of formats could not have made this an easy task for Zach.
– Chris Silva put his heart and soul into his part spending months searching and clipping up. Easily a NORA cup nominated part and Silva’s best section, which says alot. (Starts at 22:15)
– Classic Jaumell Campbell, Greg Flag and Sam Lowe footy