Jake Montgomery coming through with this dope mix of outdoor and indoor early spring shredding. Featuring most of the usual BMXFU suspects, this edit has a dope vibe and will make you even more stoked for an actual spring to hit.

Matt Thomas hooked this one up, it’s been a while since we got a Stay Mad sticker submission but this is a good one.
No one is more mad than the FU man
Thanks Matt!

Scott Barker (who’s work we love and have featured in the past) releases an online zine with almost every BMXFU video release. This time it’s a month or so after the DVD has dropped, but better late than never. Scott has released the zine as a separate Tumblr site featuring a HUGE selection of photos by himself and numerous other photographers, as well as some audio mixtapes and short video edits. Check out the BMXFU Zine and don’t stop scrolling.

If you hadn’t heard about the BMXFU premiere for their FU5 DVD, titled Guy Stuff, then you must be living under a rock, on the moon, with your fingers in your ears. As kings of promotion, they hyped up the events of their premiere non-stop, plastering banners and info all over the internet. With promises of an upscale venue, Paul Hoerdt comedy routine, and a dubstep DJ, I thought it would be an interesting change from the regular video premiere routine. I hadn’t been to Niagara Falls since I was a kid, so we (Harley Hasket, Trent Barker, Carl Arnett, Leland Nightingale and myself) decided to venture down for the event. Click below to check out photos from our time at the BMXFU5 premiere party.



Beside the rain, cold weather and 50+ km/h winds, the jam was a blast. Kids, homies and a few guys from out of town came through. The sesh started off at the Niagara Falls skatepark and moved on to a local spot called Battlefield. Sooner then we liked the rain/snow combo got rid of us, the jam slowly moved towards the legendary Orbell’s garage. I was around for most of it to snap a few pictures. I hope you enjoy


After the great BMX exile that took place in Winnipeg this summer, the (cool) members of the REPSET Mansion unanimously decided that we would have to meet in Las Vegas for New Years Eve and get fucked up one last time before another inevitable hangout-hiatus. Myself, Eric Marshall, James McNabb, and Dave Mcnabb all flew out of our respective airports and met in Nevada’s party capital to get loose for a week straight. Fortunately, our trip lined up with Brad Hill (a veteran BMXFU representative)’s excursion, and we got to spend a night or two with Marc Boudreau and Jeff Bedard. It was a recipe for disaster, so we grabbed some disposable cameras to take some pictures of some shit we’d probably regret later – for your viewing pleasure, of course.

The disposable cameras were Eric Marshall‘s idea (he was also behind the lens for the majority of these photos), and they came out great. Enjoy.
