16 Aug Embassy Decade in Review: NE in Barcelona
Personally, in my mind the high point of Northern Embassy was the Barcelona trip. I fully see the irony of a Canadian based BMX website highlighting a trip to Europe but keep in mind this trip happened in December which any Canadian BMXer will tell you is the time of year they want to escape to warmer weather/ ride outside daily. Let alone get 11 Canadians to the street mecca that is Barcelona.
The earliest beginnings of this trip started thanks to The Hunt video contest. Early summer 2011, my wife Kristina was heading back to Montreal from Vancouver for the summer, once her spring semester had ended which meant I had room for visitors. The Hunt contest was launched, NE got an invitation and the timing was perfect. Dillon was super into filming for it, so came out and spent the summer. Dill would often come chill at Ten Pack for the day while I worked, browsing Chase, Ride and Dig mags from the crazy Ten Pack magazine library then after work/ on weekends it was on.