Andrew Phillips Tag

The dude Ian Fleming just sent through this great little nugget from a trip to London with Andrew Phillips, Alexis Leger, Matt Comeau, Paul Slaunwhite, Colin Kenny, Harrison Forward and Damien Maclean. Although it looks like they had a great time and rode a bunch of amazing spots, they probably didn’t enjoy it one bit because there were no hydrants around :/ smh.

Hell yes, you’re in luck. My son Andrew Phillips has been filming this joint with the Moncton gang all year in between stacking clips for our BUSINESS 2 DVD, hence the name Second Priority. However, don’t dare get it twisted… this pops off hard. Full sections from Andrew Phillips, Alexis Leger, and Matt Comeau. ALSO, theres an incredible @curbcuts section mixed in there which is my personal favourite part of the video… packed with undoubtedly some of the crispiest curb cut clips you’ll see all week.

Don’t sleep on this one, New Brunswick making east coast Canada proud.

I still remember years ago when I first met Morgan MacNevin and Matt Ross. They took us to the skatepark in Summerside after a night of drinking. There was “DO IT FOR FAT BLAKE” spray painted along the side of one of the quarter pipes. They explained that there was once a young lad from PEI named Fat Blake who left the island to live the maritimer dream in Alberta… and when you’re trying that one bike stunt and can’t seem to land it, if you say “Do it for Fat Blake” you’ll land that shit next go.

Months later came dank “DO IT FOR FAT BLAKE” stickers… and now, the vid packed with VX1000 footage that Morgan has been filming for some time now.

Hit that play, too many awesome clips in this. Bikes, friends, beers. What it’s all about.

I’m insanely stoked to present to you a project that Harrison Forward and Trent Connors has been working on for a while now. With stems and pegs being tested right now, and bigger runs going into production in the near future, Citadel is going to be a parts brand bumping straight outta the maritimes of Canada. Harrison and Trent have been grinding away every day working with experts to really get something awesome going, and it seems like things will be fully rolling out sometime early 2016.

For now, Harrison just dropped this awesome mixtape to tide you guys over… two and a half minutes of raw street out of Halifax N.S.

Hit that play, and stay informed by following @citadel.bmx, you won’t regret it.

You straight up gotta watch this. Josh has been killing it for a long time, but stacked mad clips this year with Andrew Phillips for this video. Last time I saw him he was riding with half his spokes gone, no chain, and a completely blown bottom bracket. Even with the sketchiest bike around he was hitting the biggest shit. Kids a maniac. Hit play.

YO Merrytimes out of Moncton, NB just dropped this tight as hell park mix from various local parks. This stuff is so good. Peep Matt Comeau with the up-ledge to burner combos at 2:45. Hit that play.

DAMN this is so tight. Matt Comeau just sent over this dope video featuring himself, Andrew Phillips, Alexis Leger and Josh Gagnon killing spots in and around Moncton NB over the passed few months. WATCH THIS NOW! Matt footjams the roof of a damn PT Cruiser!