Albert Krolikowski Tag

We don’t normally post up ads on here but this is going up for a few reasons. First because Greg is the man. Second because Albert Krolikowski took the photo and Albert is also the man. Third because the photo is from the Embassy Barcelona trip we took in December, and this is actually a banging clip of Greg in the soon to be released Embassy Barcelona DVD. Greg and Albert have a bunch of awesome clips in it and Albert has a slideshow of photos from the trip including this one. Thanks to the Barcelona locals who brought us to this sick rail, Greg and Dill killed it. Check back soon for more news on the DVD.

Here’s an edit I put together with footage I collected over the course of 2010. I did a lot of travelling and filmed for some other projects but this is all the footage I had that didn’t have a home, but I certainly wouldn’t consider it “scrap”.