Tristan Sweet has been cruising skateparks throughout the lower mainland. Featuring a flock of up and comers along with some established shredders. Keep an eye of these dudes!

The riders include: Nik Muryn, Dylan Newman, Tristan Sweet, Joel Dykstra, Matt Stewart, Neriah Mair, Owen Dawson, Kyle White, Liam Wallace, Matt Desson, Ben Cobb, Johnny Bradley, Matt Jensen, Kent Fuller, and Adam Piatek.

Doin’ It For The High Fives II, lives up to the title. With a mix of phone and camera footage, Colin Fried highlights some low key riding around Vancouver with his friends. Reach through your screen and give these dudes a high five! Featuring: Rory Copestake, Kevan Cote, Amos Franke, Colin Fried, Kris Conn, Paul Moffat, Zach Rampen, Slade Scherer, and Will Zorn.

Carey Hastings


Photo: Shawn Duffield

Cary Lorenz is a Leduc, AB local who has traveled through time from Austin, Texas circa 1999 to grace us with classic tabletops and the spirit of camaraderie that made that era great. Cary has spent the last year balancing life in Alberta holding down a real job with wandering around the west coast riding the best bowls he could get his tires on. Whatever trends go in and out in BMX, there will always be guys like Cary doing the things that have looked good since the ’70s.

Were you born 10 years too late?

Comical question. In the BMX world I feel that way, yes. I simply just started riding super young, following what was going on in the industry, and looking up to guys at that time. A lot of the people I hung around had probably 5 years minimum on me, that has a lot to do with why you’re asking me this question. The way I ride, and my attitude towards riding is pretty much the same as when I was a child. The basic thrill and enjoyment, and everything else that comes with BMX. I’ve definitely said to myself before, “damn I wish I was my age now, back then”.

Share some thoughts on this video: 

Train Trip from joe rich on Vimeo.

This video is still too good. Except watching it just makes me want to drop everything and fuck off, and hit the road.

Why the T1 allegiance?

Terrible One has always been a solid company or “following” if you will. When i first started riding, it was the first brand I’d ever heard of and as I got older, I realized that their exactly what I look for in BMX. Good times, core reason for keeping it alive, over all a more authentic approach to riding. I guess I didn’t know any different, but it worked out in the end, saying that they’re still what I seek in BMX.

Who were the older guys around your scene? What were the main things that they passed down to you?

In my home town Leduc, Alberta there were a few guys riding at the time. Two gentlemen who I thank a lot, mainly because if it weren’t for them i probably wouldn’t be typing at this moment, but Aaron Clarke, and Taylor Marleau. Tons of motivation from those guys. After i started seeing other riders like Luke Santucci, Jaumell Campell, Ren Verbeem, and ….. fuck, everyone who basically rode the local indoor skatepark. The only thing i can remember being passed down was clapping when somebody did something cool.

Were you around for the Thorsby indoor?

Thorsby almost isn’t even worth talking about because it has so much nostalgia. Words cannot describe that place, most of the people who rode there would agree. But basically that’s where I learned most of my bike control and transition skills, quarter pipes, hips, vert walls etc.

Carey Parkgate 2


Photo: Dave Scott

Where did you go this summer?

This summer I had the chance to actually go to Vancouver B.C. for more than a week. I’ve been going there since about 2010 now, it’s usually a short vacation. Back in January, I had an itch to go somewhere for at least 2 months, a bunch of my friends were traveling around the world at the time, and I thought it was time for me to do something. An overseas trip was in mind, but Vancouver struck me as realistic and perfect for the BMX lifestyle. Plus I’ve always wanted to live there since I was younger. So a BMX trip, in my own country (free healthcare) sounded good. Set date to quit my job was in place, and it happened.

After my few months were up, I was really stoked on the outcome. Met tons of people I’ve heard of over the years, and got to know the people I already knew a bit more. Rode a bunch, didn’t learn anything. I sort of set out to become more familiar with the city and its surroundings as well, that was a success. Got to go down to the States as well, for the No Bikes trip. Real fun time with those dudes, again met more people and rode a bunch. Looking forward to next years trip!

What was the best thing about Vancouver that you would only get to experience from going there for a longer period of time?

Honestly, a more diverse group of people. Its nice to have a totally different social circle, and actually getting to know them, inside and outside of BMX, by the that I mean people who ride BMX or just another new face. When it does come to riding though, it seems like the whole community has a get up and go kind of attitude, I mean there are a few slugs, but that just makes for productive hang time in my opinion.

Best bowl in the Vancouver area?

Tie, Parkgate in North Vancouver, and Hastings, in East Vancouver.

Carey Parkgate


Photo: Dave Scott

Best bowl you rode on your trip outside of Vancouver?

Bingen, Oregon? or Washington? Can’t remember which state. I know its near the border of the 2 states.

Was it easy to transition back to normal life after living the dream?

Definitely, I was looking forward to working again. The company I left to go on my trip was awesome to work for, I hated resigning from that place. Good benefits, opportunity to grow and learn, great co-workers and of course good pay. So when I got back, I ended up getting hired back on with them, same company but a different line of oilfield work, more knowledge which got me excited. It was nice to see all my home friends too.

Any shoutouts?

Family and friends. Simple as that.

This is so good, Calvin Albersworth and Kenidy Klassen just got added to the Rider’s Union team and absolutely kill their local park of St. John, BC in one early morning session (6:30 am to 9am).

“Calvin Albersworth and Kenidy Klassen two local boys born and raised in Fort St.John B.C. absolutely destroy there home park in this welcome to Rider’s Union Edit. Stoked to have these two on the Team !! also interesting to see the difference between a tranny ridder and a jib rider.

This entire edit was filmed between 6:30am and 9am. These dudes are legit.” Rider’s Union

Jam/Contest season is upon us! This year Canadian concrete celebrates it’s 10th year with two venues lined up this summer. Check it out if your in Western Canada.

New from one of the most stoic gangs around, 450 Salsbury number 3. The house has taken on boarders with the biggest cast to date: Jordan Hango, Carl Arnett, Drew Morton, Riley McMaster, James Dean, Logan Mane & BVD.

Anything with the words Chijioke Okafo, Repset and Chris Cadot should be an automatic stop everything your doing and watch.

“Chijioke has been down with the ‘SET since day one and has been killing it on a bike just as long. Chris Cadot put together this collection of footage filmed by himself and a mix of Chij’s homies in and around Toronto / Niagara region. Watch out for more from Chijioke this year.

Our spring line is available in our online store now as well with free shipping anywhere in North America. Free stickers with every order, too.” REPSET