Gabe is good and his 2016 edit/footy is proof.
My uncle Harrison and his father Trent have been working on designing some bars for their brand Citadel for quite some time. Shit’s finally dropped and it’s tight. Made in the USA and tough as hell, with that geo that will either make you wanna blast curb cuts or 180 bar over rails. Or maybe even do bump jumps to gap swan dives of death like Alexis does in this banging promo around the 20 second mark. Don’t sleep on these family, support real and cop the old school way by hitting up the boys at, or the new school way by sliding into the DM’s over at @citdael.bmx on insta.
This is dope. Filmed over a period of around 3 months at different parks surrounding Lethbridge, AB, and obviously tons of local Lethbridge park clips in there also. Filmed by Brian Smith featuring Scott Davis. This is 100% better than 20 skatepark instagram posts filmed on your friends iphone. Take notes kids.
This is whatsup, if you don’t know Arnaud, you should, he’s the man. He’s one of two owners of La Cribs bike shop in Terrebone, QC who absolutely shreds. Arnaud filmed all of this in Northern Montreal, in one pre winter morning.
“Dog Bless Canada B.C.” an awesome mix featuring tons of Victoria, BC locals and tons of good times on bikes. Put together by the man himself, Jesse Hildebrandt
If every crew in Canada were as productive as the Gnarcotics crew ( and potentially spent less time on inst waste) what a marvelous thing it would be. We truly always enjoy fresh footage from these dudes and this edit is no exception. This is their first street only mix and features some guest clips from Adam Piatek and Pawel Podgorny. POCO repin
Anything with Hango in the description should mean an automatic watch. His section from Atlantis’ DVD Battle of the Birds was epic to say the least. Now available for you viewing pleasure via the world wide web.
You’ve likely already seen this over on DIG but it’s well worth a rewatch
“I filmed this little piece with Dave throughout the summer during a few weekend trips around British Columbia. Dave is an absolute animal when it comes to going full speed at anything. Neither dirt, street or park is safe when the metal starts rollin’.”
Filmed/Edited by:
Chase Davidson
How The God’s Kill by Danzig