A lot of Hunt news lately, but we put in work filming Dill’s part and need your help so he can represent Canada. The Hunt has now posted the Best Line Bonus Award. You probably already voted for Dill in the Best Trick contest but be sure to vote for him in this one as well. Watch the above edit and tweet to @thehuntbmx that you think Dill deserves the win.

Chris Chitaroni has been making short films, in and out of BMX, for quite some time now. From starting his Landozine video series and publishing a zine under the same name in Sudbury, ON for years, to putting out web content from travels all over, to now living in Ottawa and editing for the CBC, he is no stranger to changing camera technology. A someone who always has a range of equipment in his camera bag, and not afraid to share his opinions on anything, I asked him to share the contents of his bag and some questions about shifting from independent pieces of equipment for video and photos to one camera. Click below to check it out.


While I was visiting the east coast I met up with Dave Scott at the Commons skatepark in Halifax, Nova Scotia. We had a good session and whipped up this 5 Clip Edit.

Embassy’s part/ with Dillon Lloyd in the Hunt has two clips in the Progression Impression Best Trick. Make sure to tweet @THEHUNTBMX that your stoked on Dillon’s clips to help him get votes.

“After launching The Hunt back in the spring, Pro-Tec came to us an wanted to kick down an extra grand for the rider who really took riding to the next level.  We came up with The Pro-Tec Progression Impression Best Trick Bonus for $1000.  While the judges are making their final decisions on the top-ten riders who will be featured in the final DVD, we used their input to cut this best-trick reel and we want you to give us your best picks.  This footage is made of up of stand-out tricks nominated by the judges and the filmers, and Will Stroud will be looking at your tweets when he makes the final call on who get the cheddar.  This is going to be a tough one.” The Hunt

Here are 5 clips with the superstar Lee Dennis, and some guest ones of Le Luke, and Jake Montgomery. Lee’s been living the west coast life for the last little bit in Vancouver. Enjoy. Filmed by Eric Marshall, Luke Santucci and edited by Lee Dennis.

How crazy is this, part 1 of Macneil’s Boston/NYC trip featuring Greg Flag, Taylor Elvy, Dillon Lloyd, Chris Silva and Chris Martindale via Props TV. Watch it in 516p for best quality.

The thing I love most about BMX is travelling and meeting new people, but on the other hand it’s always awesome to travel back to my hometown and ride all the old spots with my friends. Most of the original crew has moved away now but there were still a couple fellas left in town and ready for a session. I was able to hit up two parks for two different sessions, the classic Charlottetown park and the new bowl in Summerside.

Riders Include: Fred Rodriquez, Sean Cooke, Ryan Merry and Chris Menzie