The other week Phil Bartlett, Sean Slade and Jon Fennelly flew out from Newfoundland to Toronto to ride the city for a while. Phil got broke off on a dirt jump near the end of their trip and flew home early, but they managed to get a lot riding in throughout different parts of the city. Check out this edit from their trip, put together by Chris Langoid.

Ryan Eles is killing it up in Sudbury, ON. Watch his latest edit above for some crazy shit, I’m not sure if I’ve seen anyone do a crank arm to barspin before. Also check out Captial here for a recent trip from Ottawa to Sudbury from Chris Chitaroni and Jorden Guth which also features a bunch of pictures of Ryan killing it at the awesome looking Sudbury trails.

I just spotted this flatland/park edit that Mike Lubenskyi put together of his riding. As long as I can remember Mike has always ridden anything when it comes to BMX and I’d always see him at skateparks or the parking lot. There’s a lot of really interesting no footed flatland variations (tea kettles, tomahawks, steamrollers, etc.) and some interesting hang 5 to grind lines Le Taz skatepark, and even old clips at the now defunct UAB. Just be warned of some weird inverted colours in a few clips, but definitely check this one out.

Rich Redmond is one of my oldest friends that still rides. For more than a decade his enthusiasm for riding and road trips has never died down. When he said he wanted to drive up from the Ottawa area to visit me in Toronto I was excited, and after three days I was exhausted. He put together this edit of his weekend in the city with some solo trips to parks on his way down and riding in the city from himself, Kyle Lafleur, Chris Silva, Leland Nightingale, Patrick Krzyzanowski, Miami Mike, and myself (Prashant Gopal).

A sad day in Canadian BMX, Brett Craig (aka Park Dog) from North Battleford, Saskatchewan passed away yesterday. Friends will remember him as one of the nicest and kindest guys ever. Brett earned the nickname “Park Dog” for his amazing tech skills on a bike. He will be greatly missed across the country. Our thoughts and sympathies are with his family and closest friends at this time.

Can’t get enough of Mark Karau‘s photographs sometimes. This scene should be familiar to most people. It’s the long weekend, so load up a car with your bikes and your friends and go somewhere outside of your normal routine and enjoy yourselves.