Arnaud and Alex have been busy during the winter months and came through with this dialed edit filmed at Le Taz in MTL.

Filmed by: Mathieu Bonin, Vlad Poloukhine, Luka Adams-Chassé, Pascal Lafontaine et Arnaud P. Paquin
Edited by: Arnaud P. Paquin, Pascal Lafontaine
Video animation: Pascal Lafontaine

For this past year’s no bikes trip we hit some old haunts and a couple of spectacular new ones. Our group of riders spans across a ton of different areas – multiple states and provinces, but it was basically birthed in Kelowna and Nelson. There are a couple of new parks in that area and I just like going to the Kootenays, so we took a trip.

Kent Fuller just dropped some Vancouver heat he’s been working on. Those straight smiths are awesome.
Filmed and edited by Rayden Wickop.

Justen Soule has been hard at work developing this awesome website that maps skateparks all over Canada. You can use it to find specific features, see a full aerial view of the parks, find out if theres parking, lights, and what else is nearby. It’s a really interesting concept and I’m sure lots of people will find it really useful. Check it out.

Man I love this video, Charlie just uploaded the full version of FU3 onto the BMXFU youtube and you should give it a watch if you haven’t in a while.


They were different times, in the little devil era we rode fast, listened to metal/punk, enjoyed winter park season as much as outdoor season and everyone truly did their own thing. This Alberta video is a piece of Canadian BMX history with so many legends in it: John Fredlund, Chris Toth, Ken Dowdle, Jason Lange, Travis Fontaine, Trucker Dan, Richard Gallant and many more.