Here’s a sick timelapse that Braeden put together of Ron Mercer’s infamous Woodyard. If you haven’t had the chance to ride the woodyard yet, start making your plans for this spring/summer/fall and make it happen, you won’t be disappointed!

Issue 3 of Union Press was released in early December, and if you have not yet gotten a copy you can now view the whole issue online. We are working at getting issue 2 online eventually, and are at work on issue 4 to be released some time this summer. You can still find hard copies of the newspaper zine at better bike shops across Canada, or you can pick one up here.

Zane Hudson of Connected Brand fame contributed this section to our Kelowna scene video way back in 2005. It features some cool old footage of Taylor Elvy and Isaac Barnes, along with the sketchiest rail I’ve ever seen attempted. How sick is that bank to wall spot?

Greg Flag shutting it down with the last of our Embajada En Barcelona Remix edits. Greg got more footage than anyone else on the trip and proved yet again that he can shred any obstacle you put in front of him, with a smile on his face the whole time. Get a copy of the DVD while there’s still a few left and try to find Greg’s banana or lettuce challenge….

Almost every clip in Sam’s part from Primo’s Nice Try was dead man shit. This was the ender section of the DVD and for good reason, all this shit still holds up as nuts today and the DVD was released in 2009. A true Canadian legend who’s still killin’ it today.

Later this week we will be dropping our last Embajada En Barcelona remix section of Greg Flag. Leading in to this edit, here’s a little house check with Greg that we filmed at our crib in Barcelona. The place was so dialed and Greg is a funny dude. Check back for Greg’s remix edit real soon.

Joyride150 local Brandon Webster killing it from TO to Miami, filmed and edited by Justin Browne.

"16 year old Brandon Webster took a little time off school to go on a two week long road trip from Toronto to Miami. Working with the weather and a ton of security Brandon came through with an all around solid edit. Huge thanks to everyone that made this possible!"
- Justin Browne