
I’ve been doing a lot of digging around on my hard drive lately at stuff I used to make and post on my old local scene website (the now defunct Capital BMX), and found a folder with these old school photos that were sent to me from Frank Krul. I don’t even know exactly what year these were taken other than the 80’s (either before or just after I was born I imagine), but not posting some of these would be a disservice. Click below for a few more images of backyard pools, driveway flatland sessions, and geek chic from the 1980’s in the suburbs of Ottawa, ON.


This is going to be crazy, Vancouver’s Jordan Hango has one of the most banging clips in this Fit DVD trailer. Really excited to see Hango’s full video part. Other highlights include Justin Inman’s ridiculous 360 table and Ben Lewis’ Greg Flagish gaze/eyes at 1:13.


It’s been one hell of a year for videos. With the Cult video at the start of the year, Deadline just recently, and now the Markit DVD. They premiered it at Austin, TX this past weekend, and now Ten Pack Distribution are bringing it to Canada and we’ll get to see it for the first time this Saturday, October 26th at Joyride 150. It’s $15 for the session after 7:00pm, and the video starts at 8:00pm. There will be a jam in the street room and you can pick up a copy of the DVD at the premiere. If you’re in the GTA make it out for what should be one hell of a video. Check out the Facebook event here, and we’ll see everyone there.

The other day I spotted this photo of Dave Osato on Ken Paul‘s Instagram feed and it reminded me of this amazing section from him in Demoltion’s Last Chance DVD. It sparked a conversation with a friend about how incredibly amazing Osato was/is. When this video part came out in 2011 he was already less and less in the BMX spotlight, but this came out and surprised everyone and reminded us all that Osato still has it (and will probably never lose it). All the amazing skatepark and subrail/hitching post tricks are so against the grain of modern day popular BMX, and the 50 Cent track was already a number of years after it’s prime popularity, but all that makes this section even better. One of the most technical mini ramp riders with the appearance of a line backer, a career of contests and video parts behind him with nothing to prove creating one of the most honest and real portrayals of their riding. I believe this is the most recent footage of Osato that the public has gotten to see, but I hope it’s not the last.