Camilo wasted no time putting together this MTL Jam that went down on Saturday. Lots of good stuff in this (with stand out clips from Dillon Lloyd, Justin Hughes, Ryan Eles, Joel Fortin, Brad Blouin, Keven Rousseau and more), check it.

In a follow up to our post from last Thursday with Dave Osato’s 1995 Props interview, Matt Sinclair reminded us of this Osato part in BMX-MEN that came out the following year (and Least Most uploaded 4 years ago). This part is filled with so many amazing tricks: 540 tailtap decade at 2:06, icepick to decade at 2:40, over tooth x-up 360 half barspin (?) at 2:50, and pretty much the last half minute are all some of the most technically advanced tricks of the time, and some would argue are still to this day. Please give this one a watch, and maybe go ride a mini ramp afterwards.

Spotted this classic interview from 1995 with an 18 year old Dave Osato show up on the Props Youtube page and knew it was an immediate post. Dave talks about being a rookie pro, the difficulty with traveling to contests as a Canadian, and decisions with making a jump from small to big sponsors, all while demonstrating some of the most technical mini ramp riding that BMX has ever seen (that Canadian nose pick to barspin at 3:21!). Check out this interview from nearly 20 years ago with one the Canadian greats whose impact and influence is still felt to this day in BMX.

To further get the word out about his big flatland contest, Real City Spin, taking place this weekend on August 30-31 in Montreal, Jean-William Prevost got on Global News to explain to the general public what flatland is all about and this weekend’s big event. Professional level contests taking place in Canada are few and far between, and even fewer are flatland contests, so if you ride flatland and you live in Eastern Canada you don’t want to miss this event. You can find all the info you need on their site here or on our post last week here.


We headed to Toronto this year for our Business trip, and figured rolling around with some disposable cameras in our pockets would be a great way to capture the essence of what BMX trips are to us. So each of us stocked up on disposables so we could snap pictures throughout the day (and night) as quick as possible when something worth shooting came up. The results were awesome and pretty funny. This is just a small amount of the shots we snapped but are some of the best.

Even though these pictures are from different days over the course of the trip, I wanted them to be laid out in such a way that it shows a pretty average day on our bikes while on a trip. Here’s what we came up with, Enjoy!