
Been feeling nostalgic today and stumbled onto this beaut on the hard drive so decided to post a late TBT. You’re favorite riders actual favorite rider, Corey Dewey put in work for the Ten Pack video which earned him last section. Hard to believe the Ten Pack video is already 5 years old, give the full vid another watch here while you’re at it. If you think for a second Dewey doesn’t still kill it, you couldn’t be more wrong.

Spring is in the air and it’s awesome! The dudes in Edmonton organized a season opener jam and it looked like a good time.

“Starting off at McKernan Plaza, and cruising the streets of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

BMX Jam hosted by Shaun Harrison

Sponsored by: Transition BMX, Western Cycle, OGC, Merrit, We The People, System BMX, Repset, Harvester Bikes, AGK, Bacon N Eggs, & Business BMX

Music: Terra – I fold – Couldn’t Stop This EP”

Adam Piatek has grown from the prince of Poco into a man. At only 19 the kid is still only getting better, you’ve heard and seen stuff from him before but this is by far the best so far. Looking forward to seeing more form this kid. Filmed by Rayden Wickop.

@Polejams made an impact on the social media BMX world almost instantly. There are some pleasures that come from riding a BMX which are hard to explain how truly great and simple they are, Pole jams are one of those things. The submission this account received is proof many riders share that opinion. We hit up Mason Gray, the man behind the account with a quick Q&A and he chose his personal favorite Canadian submissions in the gallery below.

When did you start the insta account and where did the idea/motivation come from to start it?

Uhhhh instagram say 87 weeks ago hahah, so almost two years now. I’ve always sorta just liked spots and me & my brother Owen thought it would be funny haha. No serious intentions behind it at the time

On average how many submissions of pictures was @polejams receiving daily or weekly?

Not sure if I could give an accurate number for that one, I have almost 4,000 saved to computer cause I got into the habit of saving every single submission that came through. There was a point where it was quite a few

How much time did you spend updating the insta account?

Not too much time, having to download photos & videos was about the most I did.

Without giving anything away, what are some rough ideas or projects you’ll be spending your time on moving forward?

If you follow my personal instagram, its not really any secret that photography & zines are a large interest of mine. I’ve always wanted to make my own zines and it’s been on my mind more & more over the past couple years. It’s not something 100% based around BMX because thats definitely not where all my interests are but I think some people within the community will hopefully still be able to appreciate it. There’s only so many jokes a guy can make about poles man, hahaha it was time to pull the plug and do something else. You can hit @badv3ntures on instagram if you’re interested.

What are your 5 or 10 favorite Canadian submissions from over the years (maybe we could post the full res and some descriptions/ write ups of why for each).

Gonna work on this one for you.

Is the polejam your favourite stunt?

Nah, def the cash-roll cause it has the coolest name. abubaca is funny too, who thought of that one??

How do feel about this web/ virtual content vs physical version

Well there’s always something to be said about making some tangible, definitely has a greater impact I think. Definitely true for print/art/videos. A physical copy of something will forever be more memorable than it’s digital counterpart in my eyes, when’s the last time you looked at a magazine online? or went back 10 weeks to find somebodies instagram photo? It all just get’s forgotten

Any words of wisdom for dudes, crews or anyone trying to make it on insta rather than the real world?

A: hahahah, uhhhhhh buy a dad hat & become a vegan?? I don’t know

Garrett “Gary” Kohler is a young stud. The kid has a great attitude and a ton of talent on a bike. He’s been progressing like crazy this past year and spent the winter learning new ones/ stacking at Joyride 150. Peep this edit for proof. Yeah Gary!

Man this is awesome. Justin Schwanke and friends just dropped this incredible full length mixtape that they’ve been filming for a hot minute. Features riding from Cali, Washington, and the crews home of Alberta. So much incredible riding in this, and of course a Weird and Revered video wouldn’t be complete without the antics. Hit that play button and follow the gang on Instagram and Facebook.