
Everyone in Ontario can enjoy Family Day today, and reminisce when the weather was better. Here Rich Redmond does just that when out in Vancouver last September. Turndown at New Westminster park, and a tiger style vader nose manual behind some industrial complex in Burnaby.

“Andy asked his friends months ago if they wanted to go to Notro, they all said no. Weeks later, one of Andy’s friends tell him he’s going (just one person would make the hotel too expensive) so Andy declines. Now on Sunday Feb 19th, Andy finds out all his friends are going!!! So he’s mad!!!! But to be truthful, this mad monday came from a sad sunday.”

Simon Trepanier has been a big part of bmx in Quebec/Canada forever. Ten years ago he was helping run one of the, if not the only indoor park in the entire province of Quebec (Trois-Rivieres). He rode and killed it at a bunch of metro jams in the am class and continues to kill it to this day. Simon took a trip to Florida in January to escape the Quebec winter and came back with this picture. I can’t imagine a better photo to describe Simon’s riding style than this one; fast, high and stylish. Photo taken by Simon Dravigne

Greg Hen sent this to over last night about how mad he is:

“I make Roode look like a kitten” G-Hen


****UPDATE**** ROODE responds, he’s mad:

“I’m like the kitten u seen n ur like….. I dunno if I should fuck wit dis kitty, something aint right. Then as the kitty, I mug u n u run away. I’m a kitten not to be fucked wit prrrrrrrreach.” Roode

Chris Chitaroni sent in this edit of a bunch of Ottawa dudes shredding over 2010. Check it.

Were always down for posting contributions so if you have edits, pictures, ideas, anything all, send them in to

If you are well versed in the history of BMX in the Toronto area, the name Patrick Krzyzanowski may sound familiar to you. Over the years he has had parts in numerous different video projects. Nowadays Pat’s primary focus has shifted from riding and filming towards fine art. After finishing his degree at the University of Guelph at the end of 2010, and completing an artist residency program in New York City over the summer, he has relocated to Toronto, where he shares a studio space with a few other artists. He’s been busy working on a series of intensely detailed watercolour paintings depicting wild fantasy wrestling scenes for a solo show in September 2011 at the the ISE Cultural Foundation Gallery in New York City. I wanted to catch up with Pat and he took me for a tour of his studio. Click below to check it out.
