
I’ve been wanting to write about this video for over a month now. The film was released some time ago, and although alot of people may have already seen it, the goal of this review is to get those who haven’t, to do so. Part of the problem with writing a review on Anthem 2 is knowing where to start, there’s seriously only good things to say about it and so much amazing riding. If I had to describe this video with only one word I’d use the word “epic”.


Here’s an edit I put together with footage I collected over the course of 2010. I did a lot of travelling and filmed for some other projects but this is all the footage I had that didn’t have a home, but I certainly wouldn’t consider it “scrap”.

Brad Hill filming Jim Cielencki while on a Sunday trip last summer. Photo by Scott Barker.

I’ve always had a fascination in the particular equipment filmers and photographer use. They are the ones who lug around a bag with different cameras, different lenses, and often different lights from one another. Being the dedicated person for either role used to result in heavy investment in equipment, not to mention weight on your back during a day out riding. If you are someone who dabbles in both, then an overweight bag and misaligned vertebrae are something you might be familiar with. With the advancement of DSLR cameras to capture high definition video, we are witnessing more and more people switching and using them as a primary means of filming. As people are seeing an ease of carrying their cameras, capturing clips, and switching between the role of filmer and photographer, I wanted to profile a few different people, and get some insight about the choice of equipment they use.

Brad Hill is always filming or shooting photos with the BMXFU crew, and more recently I’ve seen his name attached to work from a few different companies. I asked Brad what he carries around in his camera bag, and for his input on filming, taking photos, cameras, and more. Click below to check it out and see more of Brad’s work.


The first edit in our 10Mins series, Jeff Evans kills a park in only 10 minutes. Check back for more of these edits, they could be a bunch of banging clips like this one, or just 10 mins of random shit at a random spot or park.

Went down to TO for the Notro Jam this weekend, had a blast and caught this photo of homies Wayne Hartman and Harley Haskett reppin Embassy at Sneaky Dee’s, all while ordering a few too many tequila shots. On a side note, one of our friends from Toronto actually thought that was a picture Wesley Snipes on the sticker…

The Toronto International Bike Show has evolved over the years. Like many riders these days, I’ve been going since the La Revolution contest days, seen it transformed to the enormous Metro Jam series, in to the Ricoh Coliseum, and now in to it’s present state as the Toronto BMX Jam. From mega-pros traveling from Europe, Japan, and South America to attend, to Canadian and American riders trekking across the country to get squeezed in to the pro and amateur slots, the event has had it all. I’m not trying to say any specific time period or incarnation of the contest was better than another. They all have had their ups and downs. What does keep me coming back to the show for the first weekend of March every year is the people. After a long winter, the bike show is often the first chance most people have to see each other in a long time, catch up with old friends, make new ones, put faces to names you’ve heard, and for some getting drunk in the stands. I’m not going to try and bore you with a run down of who did what trick, who qualified in what place, or who smashed bottles at the Dance Cave. Those things can likely be found on a number of other sites already (with the exception of the Dance Cave part – those actions go undisclosed). Instead, here’s an offering of photos of some of the people that make attending the Toronto BMX Jam every year what it is.
