22 Oct Random Photo: Pete Olson by Trevor Oleniuk
Saskatoon’s Pete Olson with a cross footed backyard, shot by Trevor Oleniuk.
Saskatoon’s Pete Olson with a cross footed backyard, shot by Trevor Oleniuk.
Ladyhawk took four years off and after a few years of prolific side projects (SPORTS, Duffy and the Doubters, Baptists etc.) they pulled the band back together to quietly record this banger of an album. I’ll spare you all the long windedness of a typical album review and just say this – the album is awesome, the whole thing is streaming here, they’re on tour right now with Baby Eagle (Kelowna tonight) and they finish up at the Biltmore November 1st with Shotgun Jimmie.
Last December, 11 of us we’re fortunate enough to make the trip from the great white North that is Canada to Barcelona, Spain. Here is the second installment of our Embajada in Barcelona DVD remix edits featuring Taylor Elvy. If you haven’t already, grab a copy of the DVD here for $5. Filmed by Sean Cooke, Luke Santucci and myself (Jeremy Deme)
The thing that really struck me about this video is that Princeton appears to have a street spot. Rick continues to dominate this small, fun looking park.
If your anywhere around Vancouver, Saturday October 27th, MACNEIL is hosting a Hell-O-Ween BBQ jam at Railside park in Poco. BBQ, beers, and bikes, good times to be had.
Ian Fleming put together this day edit of the Business crew riding in Dartmouth,NS. The Business DVD is now available for $10 through their online store here. Support Canadian BMX and DVDs by ordering up a copy!
Stoked on this!! Brodie Gwilliam has been working on this Bad 4 Life video for the past 3 years, above is the trailer. We’ll keep you posted on how to get your hands on the DVD/Blu-Ray which are to be released this winter.
This edit concludes our series of posts from Montana. If you haven’t seen the rest of the series, check it out here. The song is by Jon-Rae and the River, who no longer exist but were awesome.
No matter what the season is, Chris Silva is always lurking around every corner in every neighbourhood in Toronto, searching for the unfound to ride. He hooked us up with this five clip edit of himself and he does just that. Enjoy. Filmed by Peter Dai, edited by Chris Silva.