
The other day I spotted this photo of Dave Osato on Ken Paul‘s Instagram feed and it reminded me of this amazing section from him in Demoltion’s Last Chance DVD. It sparked a conversation with a friend about how incredibly amazing Osato was/is. When this video part came out in 2011 he was already less and less in the BMX spotlight, but this came out and surprised everyone and reminded us all that Osato still has it (and will probably never lose it). All the amazing skatepark and subrail/hitching post tricks are so against the grain of modern day popular BMX, and the 50 Cent track was already a number of years after it’s prime popularity, but all that makes this section even better. One of the most technical mini ramp riders with the appearance of a line backer, a career of contests and video parts behind him with nothing to prove creating one of the most honest and real portrayals of their riding. I believe this is the most recent footage of Osato that the public has gotten to see, but I hope it’s not the last.

Here’s a slice of Brodie Gwilliams film Let’s Get Fistical. A 5 man, 9 minute split part from Saskatchewan’s Bad 4 Life crew. Heavy on time lapses in the beginning, but it picks up with a real diverse mix of riding throughout the whole thing. I’m looking forward to when the last part of the video goes online and we can share with you one of the weirdest enders in recent BMX memory. You can also go back and read our interview with Brodie about the filming of his video here.

Nigel Sapriken has recently made the move from the Okanagan to Vancouver. After feeling out a few new parks, he has officially adopted Strathcona as his new home. Check out Nigel cruising a few lines in his new home.

I had seen a few photos of the finished product of this house, but didn’t know what it was about or even that it was a public art piece. This video about the making of a new public artwork by British artist Alex Chinneck in Cliftonville, Margate gives you a quick glimpse in to how it came about, and you can get a close up look at what is potentially the best looking street transition you won’t be able to ride. Seen on