
For any video nerds out there (like myself) this is pretty interesting. The throwable, panoramic, ball camera by Panono. Although it’s kind of pricey at $600, it’s a really cool concept. Imagine the train pictures you could get at the trails with this bad boy. Click here for more info.


Whenever I see Greg Henry, or while following him on Instagram, he’s taking and sharing photos. Whether holding it down at his bridge spot in St. Catherine’s, ON or on a road trip to somewhere nearby, he’ll have his phone out and capturing something interesting. I thought he would be a perfect fit for our third iPhoneography feature where we ask a rider to share a dozen photos with us that they took in the last six months. Check out Greg’s photos below, and you can follow him on Instagram for more photos at @bmxfu_gh and us at @northernembassy.


Texas Toast brought a slew of Canadians way down south for their last chance of catching some UV rays for the year. Among the Canadian contingent was a bunch of the the Killemall distribution guys. Owen Dawson, Brandon Van Dulken and Dirty Dave made it down to cruise the streets, carve the vert ramp, and get a couple of runs on the course.

If you haven’t ever felt the need to go check out Austin yet, this is one more drop in the motivational bucket. Toast or not, Austin is dope.

The Presence crew and videos have become synonymous with Canadian BMX. Heavy hitting visuals and chill vibes throughout. It’s a treat to see another stunning project coming our way from Jeremy Deme and friends. Presence will be releasing ‘Last Stand’ as their DVD project…we can only hope for a few more encores after that.


Our Fall Photo Contest ended on November 1st, and after we tallied the numbers from our esteemed panel of judges we have ourselves a winner. Brodie Gwilliam sent in this photo of an over icepick in what looks like a wooden ramp graveyard in the frosty looking prairies. He wins one of our limited edition Pivotal seats.

Thanks to everyone that participated and sent a photo in to us. We had a large number of entries from all over the country. Check out a few more of the judges favourites after the jump, and look for more contests from us in the future.



Randomly came across Shawn Duffield’s Flickr and found a couple of gems. A perfect tuck by Brandon Van Dulken off the roof, over the fence and staring straight into that barely visible grass bank.

Shawn’s name might be recognizable from filming and editing most of BVD’s content lately. His photos prove his keen eye for a strong sense of perspective. A mix of nature and riding photos, there is more than enough quality material to warrant checking out.

Shawn Duff on Flickr


Dig Magazine have a really great ongoing article on their site this week where they profile the 10 most influential BMX photographers of all time. Every day they’ve put up a new photographer with a short interview or profile about them and their work, and so far they’ve reached number 5. Any rider that grew up with magazines as their prime window in to the world of BMX (i.e. pre-Internet dominance) will recognize these names and a number of the images and remember how important and influential they were.

In an age where everyone is carrying a camera around in their pocket it might seem like the true value of a photograph has diminished, and it’s interesting hearing some of these photographers giving their opinions on this and other subjects. It is of course an entirely subjective list, but you can read entries 10 to 5 here and keep checking it next week (I presume) for 4 to 1.

Speaking personally, Dig Magazine as a whole was a hugely influential magazine to me growing up as a rider, especially during the years that Brian Tunney was the editor. It’s inspiring to see them still continuing to produce quality pieces like this and finding a great balance between print and online content.