
We almost always only post Canadian content only but there’s always a few edits every year that really stand out and get watched over and over and over. This is one of those edits for 2014. Nathan Williams has been stacking clips and supposedly this is what he isn’t saving… INSANE! Via TCU

Small Talk Cult Crew

It kinda feel as though Cult’s $mall Talk has really slipped under the radar. If you haven’t checked it out yet it’s worth the $3.99 for Luke’s clips alone, the whole feature has a really good cCali vibe to it and will definitely get you even more stoked for summer. You can download it directly off

Here’s some classic Luke from his first Cult edit and check out the $mall Talk trailer after the jump. GIVER


Drew Bezanson - Action
For anyone who’s ever wished they could have the opportunity to ride with Drew Bezanson, this Saturday is your chance! Joyride 150 are hosting the Nothing But Fun, Drew Bezanson invitational Red Bull event and you have the opportunity of riding with Drew and friends (Anthony Napolitan, Mike Hucker Clark, Tyler Fernengel, Michael Beran, Brian Hunt, Morgan Wade and Dean Cueson). This should be quite a time, even if you don;t plan to ride, I can only imagine the kind of things this crew of guys will be doing in the big room. The jam starts at 1pm, click here for full details.

Andrew Gobbo just put together his latest volume of his project The DVX Files. Although we haven’t seen a new DVX File since last year, Andrew hasn’t skipped a beat. There’s something inherently Canadian about these edits and it doesn’t have anything to do with the riding or the spots. Maybe it’s just the Canucks fan in the intro. In actuality, it’s gotta be the vibe.

James Dean bringing some Vancouver Deece featuring: Amos Franke, Brandon Van Dulken, Thomas Arden, Carl Arnett, Ryan Hiebert and James Dean.

Here’s some Saskatchewan shredders making the best of winter. On top of a bunch of solid riding, and I hate to ruin this for anyone, but there’s a ridiculous whiplash toothpick grind in there. Featuring Zach Lokken, Jarek Mus, Steven Kowalsky, Andrew “Rich Mercedes” Richards, Mitch Anderson, Brodie Gwilliam, Tyzee, and Tristan Snider. Edited by Zach Lokken and Jarek Mus.