
Whenever I go through some of our older videos, I always end up on this edit from Jared Chilko we brought you in 2012. At the time, a lot of people’s idea of Jared’s riding was rooted in a handful of Edmonton area skateparks, clicked lookbacks, and big airs out of quarters (as did I). When he approached us about releasing this video he made for his at-the-time sponsor we enthusiastically said yes, and it was hugely different. Short and sweet, full of interesting set ups, pedal ices (the shot of the long one on the flat ledge is fantastic), strong filming, well edited, and good music. You can’t go wrong.


I was emailing with Justin Schwanke recently about some ideas, and he briefly mentioned suffering a collapsed lung. I certainly hadn’t expected to hear that, and asked him to elaborate on this experience. Everyone gets injured at some point, and sometimes it isn’t the result of anything to do with your bike, but the frustration of not being able to ride (or do much of anything) is all the same. He eloquently typed up the details of his spontaneous collapsed lung, how he coped with it, and some realizations he made about his BMX pursuits, so we thought we’d share it with you. You can read the full thing after the link, and look for some more stuff with Justin Schwanke on here in the near future. Take care of your body folks.


Posting this ‘exclusive’ trailer on here anyway because it features some of the Canada’s finest and it was put together by the man himself, Zach Rampen. Get stoked by any means, you won’t be disappointed! Featuring Dillon Lloyd, Greg Flag, Sam Lowe, Chijioke Okafo, Chris Silva, Adam Piatek, Jack Leonard, John Manaras, Jaumell Campbell, George Bolter, Amos Franke, Nathan Hines, Justin Hughes and more.

Kyle Smail brings us the fourth instalment of his Smay Vision video series. He released this DVD in 2013 and has now uploaded it in its entirety for the internet to see. Last year when we posted SV3 there was a lot of riding that we were blown away by, and this video is no different. Pour yourself a cup of coffee, clear your next 36 minutes, enjoy it, and look for SV5 to come late this year.

Smay Vision 4 is a crew video filmed over the summer of 2013 featuring the personalities of Andrew Coulas, Jordan Demetroff, Jason Kearnan, Smay, Josh Corner, Jason Kearnan, Spencer Ryan and a bunch of fellow friends. Filmed entirely between Peterborough to Toronto, everybody in this video put in alot of work to make sure they pumped out a great section. Thanks a ton to everyone that hucked, helped and bought a DVD in order to support this project! SV5 filming in progress, DVD’s still available of SV4 featuring loads of bonus goodies.
– Kyle Smail

Some light viewing material for you on this Saturday morning. Two very different videos. Justin Schwanke (above) from Alberta with some interesting freecoaster moves in a tight garage ramp that he rode over the winter. Nasty Boys (below after the link) riding Toronto’s Ashbridges plaza on a nice warm day. Oh glory, spring is here.


Jason Kearnan’s Welcome to Sleek edit, filmed and edited by Tyler Rizzi.

“I linked up with my good friend Jason Kearnan the other night to film his official welcome to Sleek Apparel video, and after a couple hours this is the result. At the age of 19 Jason has got a huge bag of tricks, Keep an eye out for a full length edit from him in the near future!” – Tyler Rizzi