Author: Jeremy Deme

I know this is random but it’s pretty damn funny, thanks to my cuz Catlin for hooking this up. Is this guy the Antoine Dodson of 2011? Read on for the original version.


It’s monday so you know Roode’s waking up mad. Here’s what he’s mad about this week:

“Tip jars in inappropriate places? Like gas stations, theaters cornerstores? What the fuck? You pump your own gas. The only people who should get tipped are bartenders, tattoo artists and waitresses, not waitors.”

We met up with a few dudes from the MTL Presence crew at the TAZ skatepark a few months back and filmed a few clips. Featuring Dillon Lloyd, Greg Flag, Corey Dewey, and Max Vincent.

We are starting up a few new features here at Embassy. The first one being Mike Fiz’ Audio Popoff Avantgarde, since I’ve known Mike he’s known more about new music than anyone I’ve ever met. Mike is going to start doing his own music section on the Embassy site, Mike Fiz’ Audio Popoff Avantgarde. Here’s what Mike had to say about his new feature:

“For those of you who already know me, you are probably aware of my obsession for music. For those who I’ve yet to meet, well I have to admit; whether its rock, dance, indie, soul, metal, jazz, hip hop, basically whatever I can get my hand on, I’m constantly trying to discover something new that will feed my need for auditory bliss. I find that depending on how far you are willing to let go, music can be a very strong medium that can take you deep inside yourself, it can help you go through hard times, give you the extra boost needed to make something happen, or it can even bring you down to your deepest lows. This may sound cliché to someone who doesn’t enjoy music as much, because, not everyone may find music that important, but for those who can relate to what I say, there is nothing like the rush a certain song can give you or how your mind can be flooded with memories the second you hear a note. Music is and always will be something that is part of our lives, whether we pay close attention to it, or if it is just something we hear while driving from point A to point B.

When Jeremy asked me if I was willing to post about music on the Embassy site, I instantly said yeah! As much as I love to bathe in music, I also love to share my findings with others. Moments after responding to him I found myself in this sort of ADD mind-set, wondering where to start and what to share. I guess I can say that my musical tastes are very chaotic, it is like a mash-up or melting pot of different genres. Depending on what I’m doing and how I feel, they can go from one extreme to the other. I could probably consider myself some sort of musical sponge. I hope my musical tastes will make some of you discover new things. I’ll do my best to have different content every week and try to keep it as “legal” as possible (wink).  Posts will vary from album reviews, DIY mix tapes, to just naming albums that I think are a must. Some of you may not be into what I post but I will do my best to try and get something in for everyone. Welcome to Mike Fiz’ Audio Popoff Avantgarde”
– Mike Fiz

* photo by Alex Ji

Josh hit us up about this a while back and just recently confirmed the dates. Details are to come but save these dates August 19-21, 2011. The 25th anniversary of RAD at the original track in Cochrane, AB, it’s gonna be a dope weekend. Check out their facebook page here and keep checking back for details as we get them.

I first heard of Eli Taylor a while back when he dropped a couple dope ass web edits. One thing led to another and this southern Ontario kid was put on Stranger and Lotek. We hit him up so Canada could get to know what he’s all about.


Today’s is Greg’s birthday. Pretty much everyone in Canada knows Greg is the man, have a drink tonight for his birthday, preferably an extra strong rhum and coke. I threw together a bunch of classic Greg pictures for his birthday which play over Greg’s classic song  “The most awesomest song in the world”. Happy birthday Greg.