Author: Jeremy Deme

Jodie Hood hooked up these two 6 clip edits of Spencer Birt and Rob Wickstrom, straight out of PEI.

Union Press 2 is out now and available for free in finer bike shops across Canada. Get your hands on a copy at your local shop or tell them to hit up Prashant/ Brad Hill or Ten Pack for FREE copies. Read on for a preview of what goodness lies inside. Props to Brad Hill and Prashant Gopal for making this and click here for all the details.


The Imported Montreal crew are at it again in this summer edit. Being #1, we can assume there are more to come, which we can only hope because this one is really awesome. Filmed and edited by Vlad, featuring Jordane, Vlad, Max, Turik, Kamil, Dave, Kev, Gab and Justin.

If your anywhere near Calgary head up to Bmx Gallery 4130 tomorow night (friday August 10th) at 7pm for their R&B jam. A bunch of Canadian shredders will be up there for it including Greg Flag, Taylor Elvy, Greg Henry, Jaumell Campbell and John Alden. Guaranteed good time right there.

If you’re anywhere near Winnipeg this weekend be sure to hit up the contest at Komenda on Sunday August 12th, registration starts at 12pm. check here for more details.