Author: Jeremy Deme

This Summer of Fun edit is filled with good times, good riding and lots in between. I heard alot about this edit before seeing it, lots of rumours that it may never surface but it did and better late than never. “Our edit is late… extremely late.. we missed the contest but made an edit.. with 9hrs of footage from Canada Day long weekend , and one relic of a laptop Nick managed to put music to clips, that’s when the problem started. It’s taken us two weeks and a couple adults to get this online. So here it is, Team Brutha Cam’s version of the Summer of Fun, better late then never…” Matt Ridgeway

Thanks for hooking this up guys, even though it’s late it’s still a damn good watch.

I was at a nearby park tonight for a few minutes before noticing this (above) chalked onto the quarter pipe. Although I had only been there a few minutes, I already could not agree more with whoever had wrote this on the quarter. It seems that in the past couple years an infestation has begun to plague parks across the country, something needs to be done.

Boicott has a sick new site up, check it out here for all the 10 year anniversary goods. Everything looks really good, especially feelin the corduroy hats and hoody! Support Canada and grab some Boicott gear.

This is sick!!!
“Hey buds you should check out this new Carl Arnett part I whipped together. Carl has always been killing it and this is the product of slowly filming clips over the last year. Mostly filmed around BC, with some clips from our week out in Minnesota. That curved wall to drop in Minneapolis was shot a couple of hours after our plane home had left. Who can keep track of what day flights are on when you’re having such a good time?”
– Riley McMaster

If your going to watch one edit this week/month, this is the one. Our boy Dillon Lloyd, killing it in Cali for a few weeks this past winter. Filmed by Sean Cooke, big things coming to Diller in the near future! Yea guy!

A tragic day, Randy Taylor has passed away at the young age of 26. Randy influenced riders across the world and his positive attitude was one that every rider out there should aspire to have. Our thoughts are with Randy’s family and friends, gone but never forgotten.