Author: Jeremy Deme

Demolition brings you legendary Canadian Dave Osato’s part from their DVD Last Chance. Any Dave Osato footage is timeless and this is some of the most recent Dave footage to surface. As many Canadian riders surely do as well, we are hoping to see more Osato footage for years to come.

Just in case you weren’t already incredibly anxious for spring/summer, here’s an edit from the Ghetto Manor homies that will do the trick. The Nixtape, featuring Nick Lindstrom, Mat Ridgeway, Ryan Hiebert, filmed by all the Manor homies and edited by Zach Rampen.

Surrey, BC shredder Kyle Lee is at home with a jacked leg today. Lots of healing vibes from across Canada headed your way Kyle. Heal up for spring/summer.


So Kerr just finished up high school and is making the move from Courtenay, BC to Victoria. Here’s his farewell Courtenay edit and also mentioned “…expect some serious shit coming out of Vic reaaal soon.” Victoria is dope. Stoked to see more from there for sure.

Kelowna native and Vancouver transplant Brandon Van Dulken killing it in this edit. I was definitely stoked to see street, park and trails in this edit. Way too few edits out there with dudes shredding all three these days.

Damnnn, Winnipeg bringing some heat in the dead of winter! Here’s some footy Matt had of Wayne Hartman shredding the Winnipeg warehouse from last winter, filmed and edited by Matt Perrin. Thanks for hooking this up homies!

Matt Perrin put together this dope edit of himself and friends (Wayne Hartman & Shawn Franz) shredding Winnipeg and surroundings. Matt has an awesome style (almost a mix of David Grant/ Tom White) and takes shit to some bigger street “fire” spots making this edit a real good watch.

“I’ve been filming on and off for roughly the last two years and here is a taste of what I have filmed. My friends and I have filmed in Winnipeg, Edmonton, Minneapolis, St. Catharines. More Videos soon! ENJOY!”
– Matt Perrin

Big thanks to Matt for hooking this up, looking forward to more edits!