Author: Jeremy Deme

This edit says a few things: Ben is way too good for a 12 year old, there’s alot of young shredders in Canada right now, and Joyride 150 has made a huge impact on the Toronto/Ontario scene. Click play now and watch this 12 year old shred Joyride better than most.

Dillon had a layover day in Vancouver Saturday May 25th, on his way from Montreal to Hong Kong for the Eclat Kings of Kong trip. He actually did a fair amount of drinking the night before, which lead to a layover/hangover Saturday.

What started out as a rainy day ended up being an awesome day, between finding a bunch of dry spots and riding with some good friends/Canadian legends, we made the best of Dillon’s Vancouver layover/hangover.

Another gem from Braeden.

“CLICK 720p. Its hard to carbon date dust. Emptied my old camera and put this together while my leg is broken. Good friends all around. Some of this has already been in the heavy hitter videos but I don’t think they would mind seeing alternate angles. Ride a BMX.

Riders (in order of appearance): Travis McLelland, Cory Amisano, Andy Roode, Mick Bayzand, Corey Clarke, Taylor Ross, Brent Webb, Cam MacCallum, Ben MacPherson, Carl Arnett, Nick Lindstrom, Chris Smith, Matt Thomas, Ronnie Nickerson, Dylan Cameron, Jordan Hango, Dave Laliberté, Jeff Evans, Mat Ridgeway, Matt Desson, Jason Vawter, Lucas Lundy, Jason Enns, Jeff Kemp, James Chevy1500, Ryan Hiebert.”
– Braeden Barnard


We’ve had some awesome entries for our Etnies X Embassy 5 clip contest sent in over the past couple days, a few of you we’re asking about whether you need to send the actual video file or a Vimeo/Youtube link. Please upload your videos to Vimeo or Youtube and simply email the link to Remember, Saturday, June 1st is the deadline. stoked to see all the entries! Thanks!

Here’s some crazy early day bike stuntery that Thomas Edison captured. David Hawthorne hooked this up, it start’s a little slow but if anything at least watch from 2:15 on.

“It’s Thomas Edison, the dude that invented the light bulb. He rips. The start is a little slow, but the loop is nuts. I’m sure if he had the internet his bike would be more on point. I’m going outside to try and learn his moves.”
– David Hawthorne

Justin Schwanke and Thomas Henderson took a 2 week trip to Barcelona/Southern Spain and this is the result. This edit is dope for a few reasons: you actually feel like you’re in Spain for 12 minutes, Justin Schwanke always has his own unique style/Thomas also shreds, two Canadians took the initiative to make an amazing trip from rural Alberta to Spain and on their own dime, they rode alot of different original spots and not foot high ledges, and overall it just has an awesome vibe to it. Note British Airways also lost Thomas’ bike for the first 4 days of the trip. Think twice before you book BA!!!