Barcelona Vacation – Update

Barcelona Vacation – Update

As we previously said, we are all on a trip in Barcelona right now. The crew consists of Jeremy Deme, Dillon LLoyd, Greg Flag, Taylor Elvy, Sean Cooke, Luke Santucci, Ryan Hiebert, Albert Krolikowski, Jeff Evans, Cory Beal, and myself (Prashant Gopal). There are some projects we are working on that we will announce in the near future, but for now here are some photos of the trip so far. Click below to check them out.

Luke enjoying the street view of our terrace.

Luke Santucci and Count Chocula.

Every morning, which direction should we go?

Hanging out by the sea.

Greg Flag popping out of some slant walls at the beach.

Sean Cooke with a double peg.

The airline lost Jeremy’s bike for a few days, so he got this rental to keep up with the rest of the crew.

Jeff Evans always eye-balling the heavy stuff.

Spots around every corner.

Dr. Ryan Hiebert with a thread the needle downside whip.

Jeff with a whip to fakie.

Step down manual, step down manual, step down manual….

Luke and Dillon put on a show at this small park we came across.

We made it to the famous tranny walls.

Just hanging around.

“I can make fun of Dillon too guys.”

We saw this weird dance group.

Sagrada Familia.

Things get weird at night. Greg Flag taking the 5 minute head of lettuce challenge.


Check back for more updates as the trip continues.
